Chapter 19

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Anyone feel sorry for Depression yet?

Depression's P.O.V

"..well, I love you, Anxiety.."

I watched as his expression softened and his hands dropped to his sides. "You...You do..?"
"I thought it was obvious.." I mumble sarcastically. "But, yes. I do. Because we were meant to be. 'Depression', 'anxiety', they go together..!"
He goes silent, looking down. "I-I'm...I'm sorry, Dee.." I smile, thinking that we could just forget about this whole ordeal and go back to living our lives like that we're before, until he says something else.. "But this is too far, you hurt my friend.." He whispers before running out.

Are you kidding me?!

He chose Prince, the brat he just met a few weeks ago, started cutting himself because of him...over me, the one who's been with him since the start, been there comforting him through his trials, looking out for him every day....

I guess I'll never be happy, then. Thanks, Anxiety.

3rd Person

The door swung open, making Prince jump. He turned around quickly, but Anxiety had already ran over and pulled him into a tight hug. "I-I don't know what t-to do, Prince..!"
"Shhh..." Prince pull him closer, playing with his hair, "What's wrong, honey?"
"W-Who do I c-chose..?! I-I don't want too!" Anxiety cried, gripping the back of his shirt.
Chose? What? Prince questioned, but quickly brushing away that thought. "It's okay, Anxiety.. you don't have to chose anyone..?"

"B-But Depression–"
"What? Anxiety, calm down, and tell me what happened, please.." He said softly, making Anxiety look up at him.  Wiping the tears from his eyes, He smiled warmly at him.
Anxiety's shoulders relaxed a bit, he sniffled, before taking a deep breath and starting to talk. "I-I went to Depression, and h-he said that I never thought or cared about him, b-but that's not true! A-And then he said that I-I was choosing you, instead o-of him and I-I'm so confused..."

"Oh, honey... no.. You care about him, he just can't see that..! I'm sure you're an amazing friend to him, okay? And you don't have to chose. He's just trying to put pressure on you.. You can be friends with me, and still be friends with him."
"O-Okay.." Anxiety mumbled, looking down again.
"Anx, darling, look up at me for a minute, please..?" Prince asked, smiling. Anxiety followed what he said, he was obviously confused. "Can I..?"

"..kiss you? It might make you feel better and I just thought–"
"Shut up, and kiss me, Princey." Anxiety rolled his eyes, joining their lips together. Prince immediately kissed back,
Sadly, both boys had to pull away after a while due to a thing called 'Oxygen'? Isn't science the worst.

Anxiety was smiling like an idiot, his heart was almost pounding out his chest. Meanwhile, Prince was only having half of the symptoms Anxiety was having, his was was only a light pink, unlike Anxiety who was almost bright red.
"That...That was amazing.." Anxiety laughed happily, resting his head on Prince's chest.


Does this count as a cliffhanger? I don't think so??

Did you like it? I figured I've gives you enough angst so fluffy stuff is coming, hopefully 😊


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