Character Q&A

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Hey again! I promised you a Character Q&A and this is long overdue, I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna say anything else other than, Thanks for the questions!
...On to the Q&A..!

To Morality, Can I have a cookie?
Morality: "YES. COOKIES FOR EVERYONE!!" 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

To Prince, Can you teach me your ways?
Prince: "Are you kidding? Of course!"

To Love, who do I ship you with?
Love: "Joan! Joan all the way!!"

To Anxiety, Do you like your job a little?
Anxiety: "I mean, yeah? I keep Thomas from making stupid decisions so I keep him safe. It's just the fact that most people think I'm the bad guy, that's what kinda ticks me off."

To Depression, Since you are the embodiment of depression, shouldn't you be sad all the time?
Depression: "Oh believe me, I am. But just like Thomas, I was a master at hiding it so no one notices."


To Anxiety, Why Prince? What made you fall in love with him?
Anxiety: "I..I guess it's just his whole attitude. Yeah, sometimes he can be too positive, but he's to be around, and he makes me happy."

To Everyone, What's your favourite song from Heathers The Musical?
Prince: "Fight For Me. It's romantic, and I would fight for you."
Anxiety: "Lifeboat, I feel like it's an under appreciated song."
Depression: "Meant To Be Yours, or I Am Damaged. Not much to it, I just relate."
Love: "Kindergarten Boyfriend. It's so cute! And...sad.."
Morality: "Seventeen Reprise..! Makes me cry every time!"
Logic: "Me Inside Of Me.. Wait, were we meant to do reasons?"

To Depression, So when Anxiety was around you he was really sad, so does being around a certain emotion mean that somebody would possibly feel that emotion?
Depression: "I'm not into the whole 'workings' of Thomas' brain, so all I can tell you is that's most likely true. Why else do you think Anxiety is so happy with Prince? And chose him over me..."

Also, To Morality, Do you secretly ship others with love?
Morality: "Pshhhhh, whaat? No way... Hah..."

To Prince, Whats your least favourite Disney movie?
Prince: "You expect me to chose out of all those movies, the one I dislike the most? I LOVE THEM ALL AND THEY'RE ALL MY BABIES."

To Anxiety, What are your favourite emo bands?
Anxiety: "Hm.. MCR, Fall Out Boy's cool, Panic! at the Disco, and Twenty One Pilots."


To Logic, How well do you understand emotions? And what's your favourite book?
Logic: "I mean, I try my best to understand. And, I can't really chose.. There are a lot of books that catch my interest."

To Anxiety, If you could draw one of the others the opposite of how they are, which would you chose?
Anxiety: "I always think about what Morality would look like. Yeah, it's a tie between Love and him."

To Prince, If you could harmonise with one of the others, who would it be?
Prince: "That's a hard question.. Um, probably Love? He seems like he'd have a good voice."

To Morality, What's your favourite cartoon?
Morality: "Steven Universe, all the way!!"

To Depression, Are you a yandere?
Depression: "Pfft, what? No!"

To Morality, Do you tease Logic whenever he makes a dad joke?
Morality: "I DO!! And I get really proud of him!"

To Logic, Make more dad jokes so you can make Morality happy!
Logic: "I'll try..! Geez.."

To Anxiety, If you could kiss one of the others, who would it be?
Anxiety: "Oh – Depression, definitely."

"....Im kidding.. Prince, duh."

To Logic, How much do love Morality's dad jokes?
Logic: "I don't..particularly like them..But if they make him happy, I'm willing to listen to him tell them for a whole day straight..."

To Morality, How do I comfort a friend who is about to lose a family pet?
Morality: "Aww..It's always sad when animals...'leave'.. But remember to give the dog, and your friend, hugs! Like, millions..until they smile."

To Prince, How adorable do you find Anxiety?
Prince: "HES SO FREAKING ADORABLE AND I LOVE HIM. ....I mean– He's really adorable, yeah."

To Anxiety, Do you know how adorable you are?
Anxiety: "...I'm not supposed to be adorable...."

To Logan, What sort of puzzles do you like to sharpen up your reasoning skills?
Logic: "First off, please don't call me that, call me Logic.. And, um, rubix cubes, things like that."

To Prince and Anxiety, Who tops?
Anxiety: ""
Prince: "I do! Anxiety always gets so nervous and it's really cute!"

To Morality, Can we be best friends?
Morality: "Of course!!! :D"

To Depression, Why do you make everyone's lives a living hell?, like seriously.
Depression: "I mean.. I'm's not my fault I am who I am.."

To Morality and Logic, You guys better be dating, and who's top?
Morality: "Ooo–I am! I am! Logic doesn't really know what to do, so I usually take the lead..!"
Logic: ".....yes, we're dating..sadly.."
Morality: "HEY!!"

To Prince, How are so nice all the time? I aspire to be you.
Prince: "Aww, thanks. And I guess it just comes naturally?"

To Anxiety, Hello, you are cool and all, but do you know how adorable you are?
Anxiety: "For the last time, I'm not adorable–"
Prince: "He's hot!"

To Prince and Anxiety, Who is top!?
Prince: "Already said this, but me."
Anxiety: "I..could be..."

This took way too long and it's probably horrible, I'm sorry.
Hope you enjoyed it anyways..!

Edit: Sequel soon :3

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