Chapter 18

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Hey! I published a new story..! If you're obsessed with The Heathers Musical and Thomas Sanders than you'll probably like it, you can see it on my profile and–
I'm just kidding, it's probably really bad so I wouldn't not like you if you didn't look at it.
Okay, that's enough of that, let's get on with the chapter!

Anxiety's P.O.V

Okay, now I'm worrying. It's currently 10:30, and I still don't know where he is.
Maybe Princey takes a long time to get ready? I mean, we're not going on a date or anything, it's just hanging out.. Nothing would've happened to him. ...Right..?

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I get up and quickly make my way to his room. "Prince?" I knocked on his door, no answer. Sighing, I opened the door and went in. What I saw...Was not what I expected... Prince, lying on the ground, dried blood on his carpet, he looked completely lifeless. "PRINCE!" I screamed, getting down by his side and instantly checking his pulse. It was slowing down. Tears started falling from my eyes. "Prince..! No, no, no, p-please don't leave me.. Prince, what do I do..?!" I don't care if he couldn't hear me.

I try to pick up him up, eventually do, and lay him down on his bed. I'm not sure what I'm meant to be doing... "Prince, please.." Stroking his hair gently, I started to cry harder. "P-Please stay with me.." I knelt next to the bed and rested my head on it, the sheets are probably gonna be a bit wet after this... and not in a good way.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise and look up quickly. "Princey!" I smile widely, getting up and hugging him tightly. He hesitated but hugged back slowly. Huh? Why did he hesitate? It's just me.. "Ohmygod, you're alive! What happened..?!"
"I-I don't really remember.." Prince muttered. I could tell he was lying...
"Please tell me... I need to know."
He was quiet for a while, before speaking up. "I-It was Depression.."

"D-Depression," Prince trailed off, looking down nervously. I felt anger boil inside me, it was also mixed with confusion. Why would Depression do this? He knows me and Princey are friends. "Anxiety..? A-Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I say coldly, pulling away from the hug. "Stay here." I walk out of his room and straight to Depression's. Not even bothering to knock, I barge through the door. "What the hell did you do to him?!"

"Hi to you too, Anx. I see the little brat told you what happened?" He said blankly, not looking up from where he was sitting on the bed.
"Don't you dare talk about him like that–"
"Or what?" He snapped, "Seriously, Anx? Choosing Prince over you're best friend since forever?! Where's the logic in that!" He finally looked up, his eyes were bloodshot. Either from crying or from anger..
"I'm not 'choosing' anyone, Dee!"
"Oh shut up!"


"You do realise you've never asked how I feel? After all the times I've taken care of you, not once have you ever considered me. No, it's all about you. You think I don't have my own problems?! And if you just took a minute to understand how I felt, you'd know that I'm just trying to protect you—"
"Protect me from what..?!

"From Prince and everyone else.. Trust me, he will break you. He's only using you... And because..well, I love you, Anxiety.."

Haha.... Aren't cliffhangers amazing..?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter..!
I don't have much else to say apart from Thank you so much for all the kind messages about my health yesterday, I really appreciate it. 🤗 Again, thank you.


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