chapter 16

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"That bitch isn't here!"

Sarah Downey sat at break room table rolling her eyes at Penny, who was stomping her foot up and done and chewing on her manicured finger nails. Sarah was slowly beginning to wonder why her friendship with Sarah has lasted five years going on six. The woman was obviously man hungry especially if a man rejected her. The only two being Logan and his father. They could probably sense that Penny was a gold digger who was in denial. She had to admit, being around Penny gave her comical relief. The woman was a train wreck. Always working out for two hours seven days a week and tanning once the first indication of summer hit. At least she wasn't tanorexic. If she were, that would probably add more of a comical affect. Sarah was fuming by the ears. She knew once break time hit, she would drag her into the break room that was rarely occupied during the day to bitch about that fact that Logan's father was here and his son wasn't.

The woman had no shame. She would make passes at Nigel even if his wife was around. Not that Nigel's wife ever felt threatened. She looked good for her age. Penny was just another gold digger hopping to catch a sugar daddy.

"Sarah are you listening?"

Sarah's eyes met Penny's and she nodded.  "Yes," my master.

"How can this bitch take my Logan away from me!"

When the hell did he become yours. Did I miss the memo going around? "Penny calm down."

"How can I? That black bitch is probably sucking his dick right now. Just thinking about it makes me sick."

Almost forgot that she's a super racist. Then again she pretty much dates any type or color of men as long as they have money. "Penny you need to relax and wait until they're both back and you can create a plan of action."

"I'm already ahead of that. That bitch is going to catch it. No one steals my man."

Why am I friends with you again. Oh I remember pure boredom. "Okay Penny, just don't do anything drastic.

"Drastic? Oh no I'm going to do something worse. Run that bitch out of town."

"Isn't it time for you to see Nigel?"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, he asked me to organize his papers before he come back from lunch."

"Better hop to it."

"Does my lipstick look ok?"

"Red head, red lipstick, how could it not?" Narcissistic bitch.

"Thanks, bye."

Before she could respond back, Penny had already left the room. "That bitch is crazy," she sighed under her breath.

Penny opened Nigel's office door and closed it behind her. Before walking towards his desk, Penny did a quick look around the office, when she noticed no one was around she quickly sat down behind Nigel's desk.  Snooping around was Penny's specialty and cracking passwords were another. It didn't take long for Penny to log onto Nigel computer and begin searching through employee information. When she stumbled across Naomi's, nothing in particle stood out to her. Though she did find it off that some of her favorite things were listed like her love for hazelnut coffee.

"What a bore..."

Penny then again searched though his pictures. They were all company photos and a view of Logan when he was a child. Logan was a cutey even when he was a kid. Penny went through five minutes of photos and eventually she just began skimming though those until one picture caught her eyes. Her lips curled into a smirk as she pull her thumb drive out of her pocket.

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