chapter 17

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"Really Logan really?"

"What?" Logan shrugged as Naomi rolled her eyes.

"Did you really need to add that much sausage to the pasta?"

"I don't know about you but I'm a meat eater."

" like the meat a lot," she smirked.

"Hey...I got your meat right here. All you have to do is open wide."

"In your dreams playboy."

Logan grinned as he watched Naomi take her plate and poured some of the pasta sauce on top of her noodles. He enjoyed irking Naomi and seeing her facial expressions. She was just too cute for him to ignore. He watched her from behind as she walked away to sit at the table. She poured herself a cup of water into her glass and turned to look at Logan whose eyes never left her body.

"Take a picture, it last longer."

"Fuck jpegs, I rather have the real thing."

Naomi chuckled at Logan's colorful words as she turned her attention back onto the food. Naomi wasn't a fan of hearing vulgarity spewing out of a person's mouth unless it was in a song which she didn't mind. Seeing Logan acting like this, did show her that he had many sides to him. He had moments when he was caring, sweet, and moments where he was a horny bastard. Though, those moments occurred more often than his sweet side. All of it didn't bother Naomi anymore. Logan was Logan and he was the type that wouldn't change for anything. He was outgoing while Naomi preferred to keep to herself. Logan to her, seemed like a tiger, walking through his territory without fear and confidence. She secretly wished she had a bit of that. Perhaps she would give off a different "air" about her. Maybe she'd become more approachable and then guys would talk to her. Logan would be jealous. This was the first time that Naomi ever wanted to make a guy feel jealous.

Naomi smirked and chuckled to herself. She wasn't sure how Logan would react to being jealous. He didn't come off as that type of person, then again, she has yet to see all the different sides of him. Being around Logan was slowly becoming natural but would always revert back to it becoming awkward. Naomi had trouble focusing trying to get around Logan's looks. His personality was there but being around all the manly testosterone and not to mention that god-like body he possess. It would make anyone woman's legs quiver in anticipation. Unconsciously, Naomi licks her lips at the sight of Logan who now sat down in front of her taking a bite out of his food. Her eyes slowly trailed down towards his lips, down his adams apple, and towards his bare chest. His body was made of a muscle. She began wondering how good it would feel to be taken like a wild animal. His lips nibbling on her on neck, her legs wrapped around his waist, and his rock hard manhood ready to plunge into the depths of her core.

"Fuck me..." She whispered.


"Huh?" Naomi snapped out of her little day dream and stared at Logan.

"You wanted me to fuck you," he grinned.

Naomi turned away from his gaze. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"It seems that you were fantasying about me."

"No I wasn't."

"For the past ten minutes you've been staring at me as if you were planning to devour me whole."

"You must be imagining things," Naomi tried her hardest to hide her embarrassment behind her words. 

"Shut up..."

"Aww is Naomi getting all angry because I realized she's a horny virgin."

"How long did you last as a virgin."

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