Time to go

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Setting: the apartment above the diner-Our main character (Annie) is just waking up...

I wake to find it dark and myself under the cover...Mac is too good to me...I can't stay here; I need to leave before they come back. I can't let Mac get hurt; I head to the safe in hidden in the closest and remove all the money-as I've learn it to be called-that I've earn over the past four years. It isn't much...should get me to Santa Fe New Mexico or anywhere else I wanna go for that matter, it doesn't matter where...I just need to get as far away as possible and not get close to anyone else. I'll have to leave without goodbyes or Mac'll try to stop me; I'm not safe anywhere though, so I gotta keep moving...

Dear Mac,
Thank you so much for taking me in four years ago and giving me the job and for well...everything really; I'll never forget you or your kindness. But I had to leave, the longer I stay here, the longer you're life is in danger; those people you kicked out yesterday are dangerous. They've been after me since I first escaped them when I was eight, they succeeded in getting me back once and then I escaped again four years ago, which is around the time you found me. I've come to think of you fondly; like a brother and I don't want you getting hurt because of me. I already lost one person I care about because of them; my twin brother William, and I refuse to lose you to. Please don't bother looking for me, cause I'm going somewhere far away and I'm not saying where. But don't worry; you may see me again someday and I swear I will pay you back one day.
S. Fares

Once I've finished writing the letter, I pack what little things I have into a duffle bag and head down to the diner; I leave the note by the coffee machine where Mac usually finds me making the morning coffee. I look around the diner one last time...I'm really going to miss this place; I had it good here...sorry Mac, but I suck a good byes. I see my reflection in the door as I unlock it and leave, my eyes have changed gray once more and tears are streaming down my face. I'm really going to miss New York; I've decided on Santa Fe New Mexico is where I'm gonna go...but I need to make one stop first. With Mac's help I was able to find my mother's grave; I never went to visit her yet and I figure I should before I leave New York.

As I wake through the graves looking for her name, I notice a familiar person and as I get closer I realize who it is; I hide in a nearby tree as I watch him. He stands before a grave for two people and I listen quietly as he talks to the grave...do all people talk to graves?

"You would've really liked her mom; she has Mena's eyes...most of the time anyway," the man says, "and the boy...William Howard Fares...well he looked just like me and dad."

Is that...it is...it's Tony...what's he talking about? 002-William looks like him and his father? And did he say Mena? Isn't that how he referred to my mom...what was her name again? He looks heartbroken...where's Pepper? Why is she not with him? Is he talking about me?

"The moment I find her mom; I'm going to bring her here to meet her grandparents and her mother..." I hear Tony says from my place in the tree, "Mena named the boy after her father and you dad..." I lean closer to hear him, "so I figured I'd do the same thing for her..."

I can't hear what he's saying...he was talking about my brother and my mother and me too I just know it, but why? He's leave! No...he can't; I gotta know what he said...I need to know! Why was he talking to this grave about me?! Once Tony's gone, I jump down from the tree and walk over to the grave...

"Howard Stark," I glance at the other side, "Maria Stark."

They're his parents...wait a sec...William's middle name was Howard...Tony just said that our mom name him after her father...William...and his...Howard...then these are...and the means Tony's our...Tony's my...my...my father...it hits me like a tone of bricks and I fall to my knees crying. I had found my father all along and never even knew it...he's the only family I have left. Both of my grandparents are dead as well as my mother and brother all I have left...is Tony. All the more reason I have to get out of New York before 007 finds me; to protect three important people I have left in my life, Pepper, Mac, and Tony. I walk through the graves a little more till I find it; a grave...

"William Fares," I glance next it, "Annie Fares," my other grandparents. I walk to another grave next them and stop, "Philomena, "Mena," Fares."

The tears come pouring out as I fall to my knees in front of my mother's grave stone; why am I crying? I already knew that I'd never actually meet her...I already knew she was dead. I guess seeing her grave just makes it all more real and not made up or some far away fairytale. But why does it hurt so much? Why...?...alright; that's enough tears...suck it up. You're a Fares-Stark; Your mom was one of the prettiest models around...says so on her grave...and your dad's a genus-billionaire-Avenger. But...they disbanded...doesn't matter! Your father is Iron Man...I might not have know what that is when I was thirteen and first met them...but it means something! No. More. Tears. It's time to go...

I walk away from the grave of my mother and grandparents...it's almost like I'm that little girl from those movies...Annie...Tony is Oliver Warbucks and I guess that would make Pepper is Grace Farrell...only...it's a little different I suppose. I mean...I'm not really an orphan...and I technically have a brother, Annie didn't have a brother and she wasn't blood related to Oliver Warbucks. She also didn't have supernatural powers and a stupid ass scar across the center of her face that goes from her left eyebrow, across her nose and ending under her right eye...I bet she didn't have a red octopus burned into the center of her back...

After I was kidnaped from Pepper at the ice cream shop, they brought me back to my home of torture...they beat me-whipped me-and branded be. All the countless needles shoved into my body, all the combat training and the funny part is...from the outside, it just looks like a normal little house. The whip back lashed once and hit me in the face, which I'm still unsure if it was an accident or on purpose. The upper center of my back-just out of hands reach- that's where they branded me with the red octopus when I was eleven. I haven't the slightest what it's for though; William had it too, on the center front of his chest...all I can remember is the screams and the smell of burning flesh...

"Leaving so soon Subject:001?" His voice calls to me from where I stand at a bus station, "you really think I'd let you get away?"

"..." I turn to face him, "!" He brought 007! And she has Mac!

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