Too close

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"Why do you want her?!" I growled from where Annie wouldn't let me move

"For the exact reason you can't get up," the man says, "and because she is our property."

"She's a human being!" I hear the boy shout, "she's no ones property!"

"My dear boy," the man says yanking by Annie in front of him by the arm, "are you saying you don't know what this symbol represents?!" The man shouts as he practically rips Annie's clothes off, "or do you mean to say that within the four years she's stayed with you, you never once saw it..."


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"Hydra..." I growl at the sight of the symbol on my little girl's backside

"Because this symbol means she belongs to us," the man ignores me

I glare at the man that's branded and publicly humiliated my daughter as he throws her things back at her and starts making his way towards the boy. Next thing I knew, I felt my body able to move again and when I look again at Annie to see why, I see her restrain that man from hurting the boy. The woman with the metal arm awakens and restrains Annie's arms with her metal one, Annie releases the man from her hold and subconsciously watch the three of them leave...

The entirety of it keeps replaying over and over again in my head; the kiss she left on my cheek before walking away, could still be felt...I don't know exactly what she was trying to convey, but I could feel the seriousness to it in the moment. After watching them drive away; I brought the boy back to the tower...we got hounded with questions by the press along the way but I refused to answer. Once we got into the tower, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore...I found my daughter again, and lost her just as fast. I'm hurt, upset, and I'm angry and this boy is going to answer my questions...

"Who the hell are you? How do you know my daughter? And what you to her?!" I shout at the young man in the interrogation room.

"My names Mac Macabre; I took her in and gave her a job at my diner four years ago," he says, "that's all, she was like a younger sister to me sir."

"It's Mr. Stark to you pal," I say

"Tony?!" I hear a voice that haven't heard in a long time and turn around again the shout

"Pepper..." I breathe and it's like everything's frozen in time

"...I saw the news..." she whispers

"The whole dam world saw," comes another voice

"Eyepatch?" I ask confused

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