Note & Wishbone

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Setting: living room of Stark tower; the little girl is out cold on the couch, wrapped in many blankets to get her body warm and a warm wash cloth over her head to bring down her fever...

"No; Tony, no."

"Come on Rhodey," I says

"No. I am your bodyguard; not a babysitter," Rhodey says

"Fine; then guard her," I says gesturing towards the girl on the couch, "she unconscious, Pepper's running earns and I need to work on my suit. Just watch her and notify JARVIS if she wakes up or if there are any changes to her condition."

"I'm not a nurse Tony!" He shouts after me as I walks away

"Thanks Rhodes!" I shout as I head to the workshop

I make my way down to the workshop; thousands of things racing round my head-who is this girl? Where did she come from? Why did she show up here? How can I make my suit more...accessible, better structured...

"JARVIS! Bring up the schematics for the suits, and run a facial scan on the girl; see if you can find any records on her," I say

"Right away sir," JARVIS replies

I look over the blue prints to my current suit-over viewing what changes I could make-my thoughts keep going back to the fear and uncertainty within the girl's strange colored eyes. I didn't really get a good look at her eyes; but at the glimpse I caught...they definitely weren't any color I've ever seen before. She definitely resembles someone I think I new once but for the life of me I can't remember...

"Sir Ms. Potts has returned and I'm unable to find anything on the girl," JARVIS voice rings out

"Put on AC/DC; what of Rhodey?" I call out

"Colonel Rhodes has left sir," JARVIS says before the music blasts

With the music blasting and the the door locked, I go back to my work with the suit and the questions of the girl in my head. I must've been working for hours without realizing it, because next thing I know the music stops and Pepper barges in yelling...

"TONY!" Comes Pepper's voice

"Yea," I shout turning to her

"She's awake..." she says panting from running

"..." I stare at her blankly for a moment still lost in my own thoughts

"The girl Tony, the girl; she's awake!" She shouts as she runs out of the workshop and races to the elevator

Realization of what she just said, I sigh heavily looking around the workshop real quick and then hurrying to follow after Pepper. Maybe we'll actually be able to get some answers now; when I reach the living room where Pepper and the girl are, I find Pepper standing in front of the girl with a look of shock on her face and a look of pure terror on the girl's face as she looks about her surroundings frantically. It isn't until she locks eyes with me that I see why Pepper looks the way she does. The girl's eyes are a sharp purple color and I don't mean that like she got punches and as a colorful bruise on her face, but that she actually has purple eyes. Blinking a few times, I make my way to the bar and pour myself a shot of scotch...purple eyes; now I've seen it all. After downing the scotch, I make my way back to the living room and sit on the couch across from the girl; her eyes watching my every move.

"Pepper," I pat the couch for her to come sit next to me and stop starring, "so kid," I start as the girl watches Pepper's slow movements towards the couch and siting down and then revert back to me as I speak, "..." I hesitate at first, unsure of where to begin or what to ask or how to ask.

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