Crush & scolding

407 17 1

Setting: Helocopter- returning from Wakanda; The Winter Soldier unconscious next to Winter Witch and Red Winter/ Annie sitting across from them, in her own world...

I don't understand what happened back there...why did I do that? Why didn't I end them like I had planned? We got the soldier...but I still failed. I had a chance to end the Avengers and I let it slip away...and all because I was caught off guard...I'm going to punished for sure when Witch tells them, and I know full well that she will...


"Let's get this over with," Witch says as she jumps off the copter

"It would seem we've been tipped off," I say as guards start to surround us

"Geez I wonder whose fault that is," she says sarcastically rolling her eyes, "You want to do the fighting or get Winter Soldier?"

"Rock, paper, scissors for it or were you just asking and really want to meet daddy dearest?" I ask

"We might share the same DNA but that man is not my father," she snarls and then pulls out her M249 saw and unzips a pocket on the right side of her pants, "meet you in there Red," she says as she starts to shoot her way through the crowd of guards

"Sure thing Witch!" I call out over the fire and then turn to the rest, "so..." I say smiling, "anyone want to know why my name is Red Winter?"

I made quick work of them, leaving behind a blood bath; tingles of joy run through me and a smile grows on my face as wipe the blood that splattered on my face with the end of my cape. Oh poo! I got blood on my pretty boots! Quickly brushing off the thought, I hurry to find and meet up with Witch-only to run into the Avengers-we stare at each other like idiots for a moment...and then with my heightened hearing I hear Hawkeye draw his bow and arrow but I ignore it for now and glance around at Hulk...and where're the rest of them...Widow gets in a fighting stance. I allow a twisted smile to grow upon my face as bird man shoots his arrow at me and I catch it as its inches from my shoulder...

"Come now little birdie..." I say, "one might think you're trying to harm me..." I say throwing the arrow back at him

"We don't have to fight Annie; just stop now and come back with us," Captain says

"I already told you my name is Red Winter," I snear

"No, that's an alias your real name is Annie," Widow says

"Itsy-bitsy spider climbing the wrong spout," I mock, "I guess blood will have to wash her out..."

"..." they all scowl at my play on both her name and nursery rhymes

"Widow you're bleeding!" Hawkeye exclaims

"..." my smile only grows

They try but they can't stop the blood from oozing out of her mouth; they all glare at me as she coughs and gags but my smile just grows and revel in enjoyment at the sight...

"Stop this Annie!" Captain shouts

"MY NAME IS RED WINTER!" I scream as I make him start coughing up blood as well

"Annie Maria Fares Stark!" I hear a fourth voice yell

For some reason my head snaps in the direction of the voice at the sound of this long name...though, I'm not sure why. I see a familiar red and gold colored armor with a blue center piece of light; the voice was robotic and I then realize that my concentration on play with my victims was lost. Widow and Captain are no longer bleeding, Widow's in no condition to fight with how much blood I made her lose. But with Captain's super soldier serum, he's probably quick to recover...there's something about him...I like to toy with him...but not in the way I like to toy with others. The man in the red armor removes his gold colored mask and I am taken aback by his face...

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