Nightmare & Needle

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Setting: Stark Tower- inside the little girl's head...

(This will start out in third party viewing, and then switch to other characters once she wakes)

In Tony's & Pepper's room, the the little girl begins to toss, turn, and thrash around in the bed; her face grimacing in her sleep while doing so, while horrors of her life so far replays in her head...

"Subject 001; she's done for now, take her back to her cage."

"Yes sir."

"And see how subject 007 is doing in the incubator and report it to the director."

"Yes sir."

"Get subject 005 in here next and 002..."

"Sir...Subjects 005 and 003 no longer exist; their bodies failed during research this morning."

"Then bring subjects 004 and 006!"

"Sir subjects 001, 002, are the only subjects still alive aside from subject 007 in incubation."

"Is that so..."

"Yes Sir."

"Then bring back subject 001 and bring in 002 and dispose of 003, 004, 005," and 006's bodies as soon as you find what went wrong."

"Yes sir."

After a few minutes the one man returns with a little boy in front of him and a little girl next to the boy; both around two years of age. I braved in the boy's three middle right fingers are numbers- "0" on the pointer, "0" on the middle, "2" on the ring finger and in the palm the word, "subject,"- he wore no smile on his tan skinned face; no joy in his brown eyes that lay beneath his messy dark brown hair. He wore tasered clothes and no shoes; the girl wore a battered little blue sun dress and no shoes, both appeared to be filthy and they clung to each other tightly. The girl screams as she ripped away from the boy and brought back to a metal take in the basement of the house. She cries and screams as she's strapped down and watches through her precious, baby blue eyes as the boy is dragged over to the table next to her and strapped down as well.

Both scream and cry as they're stuck with needles and various substances; time passes and they're both now six; the boy's being thrown back into a cage near the girl. He's bruised and bloody; once the men are gone, he turns to the girl...they both have broken spirit and sad, pain filled eyes...

"You got caught again," the girl mumbles

"..." the boy just stares at her

"Told you," the girl says, "there's no escape."

"Shut up," the boy finally says, "or I won't tell you about out there."

"..." the girl glances back at him, "your a meany."

"They're the meanies; not me," the boy argues

"So what's out there like? Where did you go?" The girl asks

"Big; and I was half way there..." he trails off, "caught me when I stoped to get this..."

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