Seitaro x Reader x Samon: Skate

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•Reader POV•

Your on the ice, in an ice rink in Japan. Today your self and a few coworkers of yours, Seitaro and Samon, had the day off. These rarely happen so the three of you wanna make the best of it.

"Yo (y/n). Slow down would ya?" Samon growls frustrated.

"Uh miss (l/n)...please slow down. We can't keep up." Seitaro says more friendly.

"Seitaro how many times do I have to tell you? When we're not at work, call me by my first name." You pout. Seitarou blushes.

"S-sorry. Force of habit."

"How are you so good at this?" Samon speaks up.

"Skating? I used to skate with my friends when I was little. We skated together till we were about 19 years old. So probably about 13 years I've been skating." You continue staking, performing a bunch of tricks you picked up over the years.

"That's right. I remember you saying you and a few friends wanted to figure skate together. Competing in group skating competitions and such." Seitaro says before he slips and grabs onto the railing to catch himself.

"You remember?" You ask as you stop for a moment.

"Ya. Of course I do." Seitaro smiles.

•Samon POV•

Damn that pretty boy Seitaro. I hate that he knows more about (y/n) then I do. Why did she have to be put to work in building 13? Why couldn't it be building 5?!

•Seitaro POV•

I can feel Samon glaring at me. I guess he's jealous. Good. I'm not usually like this but I met (y/n) first. So I should be her guy. Still, if Samon had laser eyes, I'd be a pile of ashes my now.

•Reader POV•

"Hey (y/n)." Looking over to Samon I give him my attention.


I can see he blushes. Awww! That's really cute! His tail is swishing a bit, almost nervously.

"C-can you..." I see him take a gulp,"Can you teach me how to skate?!"

I stand there shocked and look at Seitaro, who actually happens to be wearing the same expression of me.

"Sure." I say with a smile. He looks up surprised then that surprised look turns happy.

"Thanks." His tail is swishing even more now, with happiness and excitement.

"Seitaro, do you wanna learn how to skate to?" I ask my blue haired friend.

"Me? S-sure!" He nods. I look over at Samon and see him recovering from his shock.

"Here," I begin as I take there hands in my own. "Just one step at a time okay?" I glide across the ice slowly as they follow me.

They both almost stumble as I slowly help them glide across the ice.

"Just little glides okay? No need to rush." I say gently. I close my eyes for a moment.

'I'm so proud of them. Seitaro seems to be taking more risks now. Samon seems to be showing a bit of his soft side every now and then as well.'

•Seitaro POV•

'Her hands are so warm. Maybe I should ask for skating lessons from her more often.'

•Samon POV•

'How did someone like her become a guard at Nanba prison? She's so gentle and warm.'

•No One POV•


(Y/n) looks at her friends/co workers surprised but also amused.

"Ow!" They groaned.

"It didn't hurt that much." Seitaro groaned with a weak smile.

"That's because you landed on me. Get off." Samon groaned from under Seitaro.

"You guys sure keep life interesting." (Y/n) laughs amused.

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