Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Kiji)

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Before the guards could take one step, a voice is heard.

"Hey bird. You want milk and cookies?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes. Thank you darling." Kiji smiles.

"Is you 'friend' your girlfriend or something?" Kenshirou asks.

"Oh heavens no." Kiji immediately replies. The three guards all mentally smirk at the bird in heavy makeup. Though, for some reason they felt a little bit of pain hit their hearts.

"As I was saying. I want to go over some rules." Once again Kiji is interrupted by (Y/n).

Hajime, Samon and Kenshirou all try to keep straight faces at the scene happening before them.

"Here's your milk!" (Y/n) sings as she pours a bucket of milk over Kiji's head.

"And as for the cookies." You grab the bowl of smashed cookies from behind your back and pour it over his head.

"There!" You smile in triumph.

"My hair! My makeup is running! You damn brat!" Kiji yells horrified.

"That's my revenge for when you did the same to me back in high school." You walked away with a smug look on your face.

"I thought you forgot all about that. That's it, you're down to two points." Kiji points a finger at you.

"Two points?" You ask.

"Is this your evaluating thing or some shit?" Hajime asks.

"Do we have points?" Samon asks. Kenshirou just stands there, looking at him;waiting for his reply.

"Yes it is and yes you do. Hajime's a 10. Kenshirou's a 10. Monkey is an 8. And (Y/n) is now a 2." Kiji crosses his arms.

"C'mon I deserve way more than 2 points!"

"Why do I have 8?! Why the hell does Hajime and Kenshirou have a solid 10!?"

'This weekend will be interesting.' Kenshirou and Hajime thought.

Next up:
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.1 (Kenshirou)
Guards x Reader: Cabin! Pt.2 (Kenshirou)

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