Samon x Reader: Cleaning

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"Excuse us ma'am'." Two guards say.

"We are here to clean." Samon begins.

"It would be our honour." Hajime continued.

"With your permission, we will begin at once." Samon says.

"Good." Warden Hyakushiki nods.

"We will start from the floors and work our way up." Samon adds.

"Okay." The Warden nods.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get to work." Samon whispers to Hajime.

"I will shove that broom stick up your ass." Hajime whisper growls. Samon just looks away smugly as Hajime moves to get to work.

You just sat on the floor, doing some drawing and eating lunch on the coffee table there.

'That must be the guy she likes.' You thought to yourself with a light smile as you caught your sister staring at the taller male. It wasn't one of those love struck stares. Just.....a stare. You knew she was enjoying what she saw though.

'Wonder who this guy is.' You thought as you looked over at the other male. He took his Nanba coat off and placed it down on a couch. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing beautiful toned skin and strong arms.

Samon felt someone looking at him and saw you. You didn't look away embarrassed though. You just stared at him. Yes. With the same look your sister is giving that taller male, Hajime or whatever.

'She must be the little sister. The entire prison is talking about how the Warden has a younger sister. Guess the rumours are true then.' Samon thought with a gulp.

He went to sweeping the place up for a bit. Then Hajime would mop. Samon then went to go clean the furniture. Hajime did the same thing. They went back to mopping the floor together. Samon closer to the Warden, and Hajime closer to you.

You saw your sister try and peak around Samon to look at Hajime. You would make fun of her, but you are doing the same thing with Samon.

'What am I doing? I'm like her.' You thought with a shiver. You then went back to your drawings.

It wasn't long where they were almost done and just had to wipe a few things clean.

Hajime went to clean the Wardens desk. Samon went to clean the coffee table.

You removed your drawing book and supplies off the table and onto the floor, cleaning it off to let the guard do his work.

"Here. It won't take long. I promise." Samon picks up your bottle of juice with two hands and hands it to you. You raise both hands and grab it.

'Why are we using both hands to grab a bottle of juice?' You thought with a sweat drop.

You held the bottle close to you as you watched him clean the coffee table. You could see sweat start to form on his forehead. You mentally cheered yourself for making him feel uneasy. Being related to a scary woman can come in handy! You love your sister. She is beautiful but when she wants to be, she can be very intimidating and very brutal.

It wasn't long when Samon finished wiping off the desk.

He helped you out your things back on the desk. Well, you didn't need help but he did it anyways.

A brilliant thought then came to mind.

'Oh no.' Momoko thought as she looked at you. 'She has that look in her eyes.' She mentally sighed.

Once finished putting your things back in its place from before, he made a move to get up so you quickly kissed his cheek.

He stopped and looked at your surprised with a deep blush.

"Thank you." You giggled. He nods.

"It's no-no problem." He stutters.

You watch as he gets up and places most of the cleaning supplies away, Hajime doing the same thing.

They both went to grab their coats and stood at the door to the Wardens private office. (You know how in this episode (3) they clean a nice office that looks a bit like a home place with all the furniture and such? Yeah imma call it her private office. Because she also has the place where she calls guards in and such to speak with them. Then their that other room where the meetings are held so yeah lol)

"Are you satisfied with our performance ma'am's?" Samon asks as he holds a broom stick.

"Uh-huh." Your sister replies.

"Good." Hajime sighs-he has the mop- and together they walk out.

Their is a moment of silence when,
"I saw what you did their." Your sister laughs lightly.

"I couldn't help it. He's just too cute. Also I had to thank him some way." You laughed.


"The Warden was glaring at you the whole time we were in there. Was your work thorough?" Samon questions.

"I'm always thorough. Plus her sister was glaring at you while we were in their. Don't know why she gave you a kiss though." Hajime shrugs and walks on as Samon stops embarrassed.

"Ugh! Shut up!" He moves to attack Hajime with a deep blush. As usual though, Samon got his ass handed to him by Hajime.

'I wonder when I'll see her again.' Samon thought as he lays on the floor, practically bleeding to death.

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