Gokuu Bro's x Reader: Flash

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"Watch Samon." Enki doesn't even look at you. You walked over to your older brother and peeked over his shoulder.

You then took a look at Samon just a foot away from you. 6 year old Samon sits on a pillow, trying to read a book. He couldn't read yet so he is trying.

"I need to learn how to read

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"I need to learn how to read. I want to be strong like Enki." Samon pouts.

"You can be anything you want to be." You say.

Because it was unexpected, Samon jumped up high and a loud yell.

You threw your head back with a sweat drop. You watched as Samon was just in the air.

"You said he could be anything..." Enki trails off watched where Samon flew off.

"Yeah but I didn't mean a bird." You sweat dropped when seeing Samon flap his arms in hopes of flying before he hit's the ground.

"I got you Monkey." You catch him with a light twirl.

He just panted and held onto you tightly.

14 year old you rubbed hide back to soothe him from him 'flying lesson'.

"It's strange how you're always the one to save him (Y/n)." 16 year old Enki says.

You just sigh.

----Time Skip----

You stay back and watched as Enki chopped a large bolder in half with his hand. You then took a look at Samon and see him copy Enki's move. He ended up hurting his hand.

"Ow!" He cries as he holds his hand tenderly.

"Let's see baby." You hop off a large rock and go to your 'babies' aid.

Now you three are near the lake around your family's temple

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Now you three are near the lake around your family's temple.

You sat on the edge of the lake and just let you feet dangle in the cold water. It was perfect. It is summer after all.

Nanbaka x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now