Nico x Reader: Cell 5

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•Reader POV•

"Where are we going?" You asked your friend.

"To cell 13." He replies.

"But Nagisa! If Hajime finds out where out of our cell then he will kill us." You shivered in fear.

"I just wanna meet the guys in cell 13. I hear they escape often, I wanna check it out for myself." Nagisa replies as you both speed up, nearing the cell.

"Why can't you just wait till lunch to see them?" You sigh. 

"I try to but they are always getting in some sort of trouble so I never get to chat with them." Before you could reply, Nagisa spoke up again.
"We're here." He says as he looks throw the cells bars.

"Who are you?" A boy with black and red hair asks.

"Inmate no.7. My name however is Nagisa."

"And-" The black and red haired 16 year old stopped midway when he looked at you.

"A girl." He says. Soon the other three boys get up to the cell door to take a look at you.

"Hey there sweetie." A blonde boy with hot pink hair flirts.

"Your so cute." Smiles the green haired boy.

"Wanna eat lunch with me later?" Asks the purple and red haired guy.

"Uh..." You trail off awkwardly.

"Guys that enough. Your creeping her out." The guy from before speaks up.

"Anyways! I'm inmate no.8. The names (y/n). I'm in cell 5 with Nagisa." You smile. They four boys in the cell blush.

"Nice, I'm Jyugo."
"Uno here."
"The names Rock."
"I'm Nico, do you like anime?"

"It's nice to meet you and yes I like anime!" You smile brightly.

"Really?! What's your favorite?" Nico gets all excited. He has a friend who likes anime like him :D

"I love (anime other than Nanbaka). It's my favorite." You say.

"That's a good one!"

"What about you? What your favorite?" You ask.

"I don't know. I like them all." He smiles.

"Really? Then what would you recommend for me to watch?" You ask now curious.

"Let's see? Oh! Watch-" He was cut off.

"No.7 and No.8! Get your *ass*'s back to your cell!" The gorilla yelled.

"Wild gorilla!" You and Nagisa shout in fear. (Like how Uno, Nico, Rock yelled when Pheasant became there guard for the day in episode 10? Ya, that reaction.)

"Who are you calling 'wild gorilla'?!" He growls.

"W-wait!" You stutter.

"Can't this wait until AFTER lunch?" Nagisa says frantically. Can't blame him. Hajime is scary when he wants to pretty much most of the time.

"Fine. Now go to the mess hall. Now. Afterwards, the two of you better say your prayers." By now yourself and Nagisa are shivering in fear.

"Alright! Lunch!" Rock yells happily.
"Hold up." Jyugo calls out for him.
"C'mon Nagisa. You can be scared later. It's lunch time right now." Uno walked Nagisa down the hallway.

"Hey (y/n)?"

"Y-yes Nico?"

"Before lunch ends and you get your bit kicked by Hajime, do you wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Just you..?"

"Ya. Jus the two of us." He smiles. You blush and smile back.


'I can't believe it. My first date!'

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