Samon x Reader: Him pt.2

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Samon walked down the halls of headquarters. He just delivered this weeks report to the Warden. Now he was on his way to the break room.

On his way he saw you walking by. You we're walking in the opposite direction as him so you would obviously cross paths.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" He stops you with a grasp on your shoulder.

"I quit. I just delivered my uniform to the storage room." You shrug his hand off and continue walking. However, Samon wasn't gonna let that happen.

"You quit? Why?" He asks. You try to remove his hand but he has a pretty firm grip on your shoulder.

"I don't want to be here if he isn't here." A tick mark forms on Samon's head.

"You better be kidding." He growls. You raise an eye brow amused.

"I'm not. Why would you care if I left or stayed anyways? What? Gonna miss me?" You tease with a smirk.

"Of course I care...yes I'm gonna miss you." He admits shyly. Your mouth opens slightly in shock. You had slight shock written on your face but you were quick to recover.

"I see. So what Hajime said was true then." You mumble. You stuck your hands in your sweater/pants/shorts/skirt pockets. I'm not gonna make up a style for you in this so you can go ahead and chose or whatever

"Huh?" He questions dumbfounded.

"You like me don't you?" You question with a sly smile.

"Where did you get that idea? That's crazy." He panics. The red blush on his face gave it away though.

"If you haven't already caught on, yes. Yes I had a crush on your brother." You give him this serious stare. He looks at you shocked and....heartbroken? He looks so heartbroken.

"You...what?" He mumbles. He looks down at the floor. You just gave him this blank stare. Your eyes widened when you saw something you never thought he of all people could do.

He's crying.

"Him? Him of all people. Why?" He sobs. You could tell he was trying his hardest to stop crying. He was unsuccessful though.

"I honestly don't know. I guess I just admired him but that admiration turned into something more." You shrug.

He still sobbed though. His hand fell from your shoulder to his eyes. His hand covered his eyes in an attempt to hide his tears from you.

"Stupid monkey. I said I HAD a crush on him." You grumble.

Samon's sobs are quiet now as he tries to listen to what you had to say.

"You are a twat from time to time y'know that?" You scratch the back of your head. He is still silent though. You then sigh.

"I used to have a crush on Enki. When he was apprehended I actually took a stronger of a dislike to you. After awhile, I sorta grew a crush on you." You look away with a light blush and a pout.

"Really?" He chokes out.

"Yeah. Don't get your hopes up though. It's just a small crush. I'm not sure it's a big enough crush to y'know actually wanting to date you. All I know it's a small crush." You mumble.

Your eyes then widen. Your arms fell to your side as you looked over his shoulder. He's hugging you.

"One day, you will be my girlfriend." He says determined. "And then my wife."

"Hold on! I never agreed to be your girlfriend! Also wife? Ain't that too early to be thinking about?" You question with a very red face. For once in a very, very long while. You're caught off guard.

"I'm gonna make you fall for me one day. Then we could spend the red of our lives together. I know it." He says determined.

"I'm looking forward to see what you have in mind." You give in and smile a true, genuine smile. You hug back.

'Before I always wanted him, Enki. Now, I know my heart wants him. This twat hugging me right now.' You thought as you felt your heart beat faster.

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