Jyugo x Reader: Cat

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"Meow!" Rock held Kuu close to himself.

"Why do you have Kuu?" Jyugo asked.

"How did you even get him?" You asked.

"I couldn't resist and he slipped threw the bars." Rock had a blush on his face as he pretty much 'fan-boyed' over Hajime's cat.

"That's gonna get you in trouble some day y'know." Uno pointed out.

"I know but it's totally worth it!" Rock continues to cuddle Kuu. "Here." Rock motions to Nico to hold the cat.

"I can't touch cats." Nico hides behind his manga.

"Why?" You ask.

"Because if I do then something bad will happen."

You and Uno take a glance at each other before looking over at your boyfriend, Jyugo.

Jyugo looked at you two suspiciously but you ignored it.

"Alright Jyugo!" You smile widely as you try to push him towards Nico.

"That cat follows you wherever you go. Go to Nico!" Uno smiles, also pushing on Jyugo towards Nico.

Jyugo wasn't really moving towards Nico but you knew he would eventually be your guys little 'experiment'.

"Huh? Why do I have to do it?!" Jyugo complains.

"Just do it already." Rock joins in with a smile. Finally, the three of you are successful with pushing Jyugo over to Nico. Kuu followed right behind Jyugo.


A poof is heard, along with pink cloud dust. Once the pink cloud dust clears up, Jyugo with a cat head is revealed.

His left eye is green/blue while the other is purple/pink. His 'ears' are red too.

Rock, Uno and Yourself all flinch back, in both disgust and fear.

"Are you happy now?" Jyugo asks sarcastically towards Uno.

"Someone please tell me when he looks away." Uno whimpers.

"It would be less scary if it wasn't just his head." Rock commented, holding Kuu in his arms.

"Rock, your ears." You and Nico spoke in unison.

"Huh?" His purple hair is formed like cat ears on the top of his head.

"Poor Jyugo." You hold back your laughter but couldn't help to let out an amused smile.

"Thanks for your concern (Y/n)." Jyugo says sarcastically. He looks at you and you flinch,

".....Jyugo you know I love you but......can you please not look at me?" You whimper along with Uno.

"My girlfriends afraid of me." He sulks in the corner.

Uno, Nico, Rock and yourself all sweat drop.

"H-hey I still love you Jyugo. Just....your head being a cat.....it's scary. I think we should go to the infirmary." You sigh.

"Yeah I guess your right." He stands up, looking away, not wanting to scare you.

You smile and hold his hand, guiding him towards the cell door so he can unlock it and get you guys out to go to the infirmary.

"Ew! Don't go all lovey-dovey! That's gross!" Uno yells.

'Wait to ruin a sweet moment Uno.' A tick mark forms on Jyugo's head.

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