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e p i g r a p h

❝the unexpected moment is always sweeter❞



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Chloe looked up to see her best friend, Courtney, running towards her waving her hands crazily in the air. Her high heels clicked against the floor of the school hallways.

"Courtney!" Chloe greeted, hugging her.

"Oh my god did you hear the news?"

"What news?" Chloe furrowed her eyebrows.

"We have a new student! And he's super hot too!"

Chloe rolled her eyes.

"And I'm supposed to care because..."

Courtney sighed.

"Because he's hot?"

Chloe shook her head. "Only you, Courtney. Only you."

Courtney pouted.

"Come on, let's go." Chloe said as she dragged Courtney away.

They burst through the doors of their homeroom just as the teacher was starting.

"Hello girls! Please make yourself comfortable." He smiled at them.

Chloe and Courtney both sat down at the back, with Courtney next to the window and Chloe next to her.

"Anyways, where were we? Oh yeah, my name is Mr. Pierce, and it's nice to meet you all. As you may have heard, we have a new student."

Some of the girls immediately straightened up and planted wide smiles on their faces. Courtney being one of them.

A fleeting thought crossed Chloe's mind. Imagine how hilarious it would be if that annoying guy Hunter was the new student. She shook her head, mentally laughing at her silly thoughts. Ha, as if! That only happens in shoujo mangas and romance novels.

"Ah, here he is!"

A boy with a devilish smirk and tousled brown hair strolled in and glanced around the room. His eyes paused on Chloe. Chloe's heart sank.

Why is my life so much like a romance x humor novel? She internally sobbed. It's like someone's making my life as horribly cliche as possible and adding in story plot lines that are absolutely cringe worthy!

(Honey, stop breaking the fourth wall please. *helplessly surrounded by fourth wall's shattered pieces, desperately trying to super glue it together*)

The boy grinned, cocking his head, his despicable smile seeming to mock Chloe's very existence.

"Hello, my name is Hunter Williams."


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*le gasp*

wow, nobody saw that one coming

note the sarcasm

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