Chapter 9:

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The next day I went to Stucky’s at one and I saw Niall and Anna there again. I rolled my eyes this time not even caring. They looked happy. Niall’s eyes had crinkled as he laughed loudly and Anna covered her mouth with her hand whilst she laughed. I also couldn’t miss the way Anna was holding Niall’s hand. I strode into the place and sat down opposite Niall.

            “Hey, sorry I’m late,” I said breathlessly. “It’s Anna right?” I asked and she nodded. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about the last time we met. When work calls I’ve just got to go.”

            “That’s alright. Niall told me all about it.”

            “Oh great. So what do you do?”

            “Oh, I work at a Louis Vuitton store.”

            “That’s lovely,” I said smiling. “Now there’s a job that changes lives,” I said to Niall.

            “Well it’s better than dealing with sick people,” Anna tried to downplay the importance of my job.

My smile stayed frozen on my face and I said trying to keep my tone sweet, “I save people’s lives.”

            “Well if it was me, I would’ve chosen to go into that hotel business your parents own. No matter how small it is.”

I was taken aback that Niall had told her but obviously he hadn’t told her everything like which hotels my parents own because the business was anything but small.

            “Small?” I inquired.

            “Well Niall wouldn’t say, which hotel so I assumed,” she trailed off.

            “I see. Well I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t know. My family owns Silverview.”

Anna’s mouth dropped open a little and then she paled. “You mean you’re family just runs one of them?”

            “No, I mean we own the entire thing. Every hotel or palace or retreat Silverview opens is ours. My parents are overseeing construction in Tokyo at the moment. We’re opening another one.”

            “You never told me that,” Niall butted in.

            “Well I didn’t get the chance.”

            “But still if it was me-”

            “But it’s not you,” and on cue my pager beeped, “Sorry I’ve got to go and save a life.”

It turned out that there was an accident and because I wasn’t there I got stuck with covering Lucy’s rounds in the ER. So I wasn’t saving lives that day but at least I got to stop a little boy from bleeding by stitching up his arm.

Niall’s girlfriend annoyed me. There was just something about her and she bugged me. Niall could’ve done heaps better than her. First off, she looked like an old lady wearing a little too much make-up. Second, she just sounded like a bimbo. It’s better than dealing with sick people? Who says that? That’s just stupid. No one needed someone at a Louis Vuitton store. The world needed doctors. Figure it out. I couldn’t understand what Niall saw in her. She didn’t even have a sense of humour. She wasn’t even nice.

            “Why are you so bothered today?” April asked me.

            “Urgh, Niall’s girlfriend is just some bimbo who annoys me.”

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