Chapter 12: Detective Williams

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Ronny's POV

I was on my way to Granny's to pick up Ryan for school today.

I knocked at the door and Granny answered. "Hey baby." She smiled. "It is okay if I still call you that, isn't it?"

"Just don't tell nobody." I replied and came in.

Granny looked outside before closing the door. "Where's my favorite girl?"

"At the hospital with Mr. B."

"What's wrong with Frank?"

"He had surgery, something about his heart. He's okay though!"

"Lord have mercy, no wonder he's been all on my mind."

"Yeah, you need to pray for them."

Granny nodded. "That's what I do best.. where is that sister of yours? Ryan! Come on girl."

"I'm coming, granny!" She yelled, coming downstairs. Let's go Ronny." Ryan said to me before walking out the door.

I looked at Granny and she replied with a shrug. I shook my head and followed to the car.

"What's got a pep in your step today?"

"What you think?"

"Ight, don't get smart. I'll beat you and Kevin's ass."

She rolled her eyes and got in the front seat. "Where's Candy?"

"Her pops in the hospital, so she with him."

"He's okay?"

"Yeah. You happy to be in the front seat?"

She shrugged. "I don't really mind.. you know who I haven't seen in a while?"



I chuckled. "Yeah, you right."

"Y'all still friends, right?"

"Yeah, we just don't hang like we used to."

She laughed. "He still likes you, huh?"

I shrugged. "Not as much. He a gotta boyfriend now."


"Might as well be, they like to fu- play twister."

Ryan rolled her eyes. "I'm never playing twister."

"That's the spirit." I smiled as I stopped in front of her school. "Remember that when you get to high school and after you get married. Have a good day."

"You too," she got out, "and tell Candy I said hey."

I nodded and waited for her to go inside the school before leaving. Then I called Candace.

"Hello?" She groaned.

"Hey. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

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