*Bonus: Graduation*

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Ronny's POV

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. It was graduation day. I had major plans.

I got out my bed and went in Ryan's room. In the bed was Candy and Lena. I got in on the side Candy was and kissed the back of her neck.

"Stop with that gay shit, Lena." Candy mumbled.

"Ain't no gay shit going on here, bae." I whispered in her ear.

She jumped, knocking me on the floor.

Lena sat up with an eye mask over her face. "What was that?"

Candy sat up too and looked on the floor. "Damn Ronny."

"Damn Ronny? Nah, damn Candy! I can't show you no love?"

"Not like that! You can't just get in the bed with somebody and expect them not to get scared."

"Uhh... yeah I can and I did."

Candy rolled her eyes.

"Since I got both of y'all up, let's go get some breakfast."

"I just wanna sleep." Candy whined.

"Me too." Lena pulled her masked back down and fell back on the bed.

I shook my head and went in the living room. Jon Jon was passed out on the recliner and Quan was stretched out on the couch.

I went to get my phone and pulled up my blowhorn app. I covered my ears and blew the horn.

Jon had a seizure in the recliner and Quan rolled off the couch.

"I'm so tired of you and this retarded ass horn!" Quan yelled getting up in my face. "That's why I hate staying over here cause you always wanna do some childish shit."

"You done?" I chuckled. I looked over at Jon and he flicked me off. Then there was a pain in my back.

"Fuck! Chill out Candy."

"Stop fucking playing! People tryna sleep." She pushed me.

"Ight, you bout to get fucked up. Keep on. Do y'all know what today is?"

"Yeah, its the day you bout to lose your life." Jon Jon mumbled.

"It's graduation day! Since everybody's up now, let's go get some food."

"You said food?" Lena finally came out of Ryan's room.

"Yeah, y'all down?"

"Hell yeah." Lena said and ducked back into the room.

"I'm not even gon go in on you, it's too damn early." Quan said walking to the kitchen.

"Everybody else?"

"I guess, shit." Jon shrugged.

"Ight, lemme put some shoes on." I pulled Candy into my room. I sat on the bed. "Can I get my kiss now?"

She rolled her eyes. She leaned down to meet my lips and I pulled her down on the bed.

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