Chapter 17: I Did You Wrong

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Candy's POV

I dreaded getting out of bed this morning. My alarm kept going off, but I was somewhere else.

My dad came in and turned it off. "Girl, are you deaf?"

I didn't respond. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong princess?"

I sat up and my lip started to quiver. "Yesterday after school, I spent the day at the hospital with my friend. His mom just died from cancer. J-just like mama."

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"It was so hard daddy. I told him, his brother, and his sisters that everything would be okay and God had his reasons. But his little brother, Jontae said something that made me think. He said something like even though God took away his mother to ease her pain, he gave the pain she had to him. And I understand where he's coming from and I still find myself asking why. Why me?" I cried into his shirt.

"You know I had a similar conversation with Pastor Scott not too long after your mama died. I asked him why God took her when she was so... so perfect. He said, 'Dana has simply changed from a physical form to a spiritual one. This spiritual form allows her to transcend space and be with you when you need help and to be with God in the spirit. Her soul is returned to God and continues to grow and evolve.' Yeah, my life changed. I thought for the worst at first, but overtime I became a better person. Dana was with my every step of the way. Hell, she still is."

"She's with me too." I smiled slightly.

"Exactly. Now go get ready for school." He kissed my forehead and left.

I dried my eyes and did my hygiene thing. After finding an outfit and my glasses, I went downstairs.

Daddy was sitting at the table with Vanessa.

"Well good morning.." I said.

"Good morning." Vanessa smiled.

"Isn't is kinda early?"

"Oh, Vanessa is helping me find another job." Daddy said, flipping through the paper.

"For what?"

"I quit my old one. They're the reason for all these gray hairs in my head. Except this one." He pulled at one gray strand from his short fro. "This one came from you."

I laughed. "Good luck on the job hunt. Nice to see you again, Vanessa. I gotta go catch this bus."

I walked out the door and wish I hadn't. Ronny was sitting in my driveway.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to his window. He rolled it down. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to pick you up. What else?"

"You do know I'm not speaking to you, right?"

"But you speaking to me now... so nah, I didn't know."

I walked down the driveway, heading to the bus stop.

"Aye, either get your fine ass in the car or you owe me gas money!" He yelled.

I kept walking. I stood at the bus stop and Ronny rode up and stopped the car.

"Get in the fucking car Candace."

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