Chapter 9: Birthday Behavior

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Ronny's POV

After the buzzer, our team was ecstatic.

"This ain't nothing new man." Jerrod said, as he dapped me up. "Just a few more hours and we really gon be celebrating."

"Hell yeah man, we gon act a damn fool."

The family came out to the floor. "Great job." Everybody congratulated.

"Good game, Roland," Kourtney said, "and Happy Birthday."

"Thanks Cornelius." I chuckled, grabbing him by his head like I do Ryan.

"We're about to go. You enjoy the rest of your day." Granny told me.

Candace and I hugged her, mama, and Ryan before they left. Then Quan came over.

"Candace." He said.

"Quan." Candace rolled her eyes.

"Winning the game is a hell of a way to celebrate." Quan said as he dapped me up. "Happy birthday man."

"Thanks bro. Jon Jon ain't come?"

He shook his head. "Nah, but he said he'd be at the party tonight."

I nodded. "Ight, I guess I'll see both y'all later. You coming through with the drinks, right?"

"Hell yeah, wings too."

"My nigga," I smiled, "always clutch."

"You know how I do, but I gotta go see somebody."


He walked off and me and Candy walked hand in hand out to the car.

On the way there I got some 'good job's and 'happy birthday's. I said thanks, reminded a few about the party and kept it moving.

"You did an amazing job baby."

"Thank you, you know I heard yo loud ass in the stands."

"Good, you gon always here my loud ass telling you to keep your damn hands up! #13 wouldn't have made that shot if you was doing your job."

"Look, man." I smacked my lips. "I ain't tryna hear all that."

"Yeah, I bet you ain't. You gon hear it anyway if you don't use your defense next game."

Candy and I went back to my place and I hopped straight in the shower.

I got out after bout 15 minutes, and came in my room to see Candy knocked out in the bed.

I put on some shorts and slid in right next to her. My arms wrapped around her and my head rested on the crook her neck.

She groaned, but didn't stir. Soon after, I fell asleep myself.

I was awaken by the sound of the doorbell.

I sighed before getting up to answer it. Then the person started banging. "Hold the fuck on!" I opened the door and in waltzed Quan.

"Man, what you doing here?"

"Had to be early so I could bring the stuff." He sat on the couch and turned on my tv.

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