Chapter 15: Brother

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Ronny's POV

"I should've got with Jon Jon when I had the chance."

I grabbed her arm. "What did you say?"

"I-I didn't mean it."

"It don't matter, you said it. When the fuck did you have the chance?"

She snatched her arm away. "Just leave me alone Ronny."

I grabbed her again. "Nah, let me know."

"Just like you let me know about Keyshia?"

I sighed and let her go. She stormed out. I chilled in the locker room until the bell rang. My leg bounced in anticipation. I didn't know who I was mad at more.

As soon as the bell rang, I was gone. I pushed passed everyone and went straight to the parking lot.

I leaned on the hood on Jon's car and waited for him to come out. He and Quan were laughing on their way here.

"Sup man?" Jon said, still laughing at whatever lil joke they had.

"Ha," I scoffed. "You tell me?"

Jon Jon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What makes Candy think y'all could ever be together?"

He sighed. "That kiss was all me, don't blame her. That was my fault."

"A kiss??? When was this?"

"When I dropped her off at the hospital. I was just tryna get her to calm do-"

My fist flew across his face. Jon Jon stopped for a second before he came at me. We were going at it.

"Aye, somebody record this before I break it up!" Quan yelled.

Jerrod came out of no where and pulled me back as Quan grabbed Jon Jon.

"I trusted you man!" I yelled, spitting out blood and trying to pull away from Jerrod. "Get off me!"

"Y'all letting a bitch come between y'all?" Quan said.

Jon Jon got out of his grip and scolded him. "I done told you bout calling these females bitches, bitch ass nigga."

Quan put his hand up in surrendered and jumped when Jon bucked at him.

Then Jon Jon's phone started to ring. Once he seen the caller ID, he answered. "Hello?"

"She what?"

"N-N- no." His eyes filled with tears and his hands trembled. "Did y'all give her mouth to mouth? Shock her with the things? Something!?" His eyes filled with tears and his hands trembled.

"Don't you touch her until I get there!" He yelled into the phone. Then he hopped in his car.

Quan got in too and he sped off. I jumped in my car and followed them. No matter what we have going on, I was gonna be there for him.

When we got to the hospital, Jon parked right in front and jumped out. Quan and I followed suit.

He skipped the front desk and ran to his mom's room.

He shook her arm and his voice cracked. "Mama, this ain't funny. You gotta get up."

His mom laid there, lifeless.

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