Chapter Twenty Seven

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November 29th 1996

A bunch of days later and we ended up in Salt Lake City Utah. We got another 'sleepy day' before the show the next day. There wasn't any beaches to go to, and no real parks nearby so we all hung out in a large grassy area. We ate lunch there so I guess you could call it a picnic. Good thing there was a handy dandy drug store nearby in a parking lot where we bought our food. Good grief Utah.

It was still pretty cold, but not nearly as chilly as Colorado was. The boys played a show in the mountains and it was almost canceled due to snow. But we rode on. We always ride on.

A little later I decided to walk around the area a little bit. The boys just sat around and talked, once in a while watching me explore.

Bon walked up to the group of men and sat down next to Angus on the rock bench. "What's everyone talkin' about Ang?" he asked smiling at him. Angus looked up at him then the group.

"I don't believe you!"

"I swear! Look, there's a picture in my wallet..."

"Hope you didn't mistake it for a condom!" Everyone laughed. Angus returned his attention back to Bon.

"Cliff's new dog obviously," he scoffed. Bon laughed.

"Nice try. So what's Hannah up to? Your attention has clearly been elsewhere."

"She went off somewhere a while ago, haven't seen her," Angus admitted.

"Oh, then let's find her!" Bon stood up taking Angus up with him. The group turned their attention to him. Bon only smiled smugly at him.

"What's up Angus?" Malcolm asked. Angus looked at Bon, then Malcolm, and decided no one else could see him.

"Nothin'. Just thought I'd check on Hannah."

"She is a grown woman Ang," Phil laughed. "She don't need checking up on."

"I am a grown man Ruddy," Angus retorted. "I can do what I want."

"I guess."

"Let him go then," Malcolm smiled. "Go catch your butterfly mate."

"Sods," Angus muttered.

"Lovebird!" Phil shouted.

"Shhh! Shut up!" Malcolm laughed in a whisper. Angus and Bon walked away from the group.

"Do you hear them back there? Giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls," Angus said.

"So I've heard," Bon chuckled. "Now. Where is that little ladybird?"

"If we can't see her out here she's probably by the wooded area." They made their way over and continued their search. "She's not over here Bon, we should go back."

"Wait!" Bon shushed him and gestured him over. Angus walked over.


"Listen." Both men kept quiet as they listened to a song. A quiet voice but a voice nonetheless was singing by some trees. A voice Angus had never heard before, but knew all too well.

"Today there is no day or night, today there is no dark or light..."

Bon and Angus crept closer to the voice. A small girl was sitting underneath a tree in a wooded area. Her knees were brought to her chest while she twiddled a leaf in her fingers.

"Today there is no black or white.."

The men glanced at each other then back at her.

"Only shades of grey..."

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