Chapter Eighty

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July 12th 1997

Angus woke up to a finger poking him on the nose. My finger to be exact. His eyes fluttered open and I waved at him. He was not amused. "Bug off." Taking the blanket he had hogged all last night, he covered his head and rolled over.

"Come on Angus, it's not that early."

"Early enough. Now shoo." I crawled off him and walked to the kitchen.

"I'll give you a shoe..." I muttered.

"Watch it..." Angus' muffled voice warned. I sighed. Men. It really wasn't that early at all. Only nine in the morning. But 'Señor Tightwad' as Lucy would say likes his full twelve hours so I let him be.

Okay, so maybe that wasn't the most effective way of getting his attention. Only made him snarky. A snarky sharky. I smiled at my joke and took out a used to be white toaster from the cabinet. Maybe food would take that attitude away some.

The reason I wanted his attention was because it was my birthday. I thought maybe I'd celebrate it with all my best chums as opposed to that dreaded previous day in 1975. But if Angus wasn't gonna wake up, he'd miss it. The bread was sort of frozen so I set the time on five. That should do it. There were some eggs in the fridge and since I was an amateur cook, it shouldn't be too hard.

Angus awoke to another hand poking his nose and he swatted it away. "I said bug off Han-" The hand covered his mouth before he could finish.

"I'm glad you think I'm pretty Ang, but I'm nowhere close to being Hannah," Bon said. Angus struggled to sit up and pried Bon's hand away.

"What the bloody hell are you doin' here, Hannah's right around the corner," Angus whispered.

"Ah, she's fine. I hear she gave you quite a scare a few weeks ago." Bon's grin grew wider as Angus paled and ran a hand over his face.

"If it's all the same to you Bon, I'd rather not talk about that." He sighed and let his hand down. "Can't imagine some knocky-cock feelin' her up."

"What's a knocky-cock?"

"It's-" Angus looked to the ceiling. "It's whatever the person that does her in is."

"Better watch your mouth Ang, you tried the same thing," Bon reminded pointing his middle finger. Angus pushed it away and leaned back on the couch.

"So what are you doin' here?" he yawned.

"Don't you know what day it is?"

"National Sleep Day?"

"Good guess. Anything else?" Angus scratched the back of his neck. At first nothing came to mind. "It's Hannah's birthday silly boy."

"Oh. Yeah, I knew that," Angus dismissed. Bon gave him a look.

"Oh yeah? Did you know she's in the kitchen cooking you breakfast?"

"No she isn't." Bon shrugged and Angus left to go see for himself.

Well after the toaster burnt the bread, I focused on the eggs. I made them exactly how I liked them. Which was actually borderline runny but not too much. Angus probably like his more-not a river. One hand palmed my back while a second hand went behind my knees and together they held me in somebody's arms.

"Hey I'm cookin' here," I said. Angus placed me on the couch and went back to the kitchen. A minute later he sat beside me. "I was cooking."

"You shouldn't cook for me on your birthday," he smiled. My eyes lit up and I cracked a smile.

"Well what was I supposed to do?"

"Let me sleep." He kissed the top of my head. "Then I could have made you something."

"By then it'd have been my next birthday."

"So then, two breakfasts. Doesn't sound bad." I shook my head.

"Sorry I ruined your toast. And undercooked your eggs."

"Don't worry about it. Not much of a cook myself, why d'ya' think I eat cornflakes all the time?"

"Wow. I would have gotten two bowls of cornflakes," I said sarcastically. "That would have been the life."

"It's better than nothin'. Which is what you have." Angus looked at me a second and tilted his head. "Go on and get dressed, then we can all go out for food."

"You two share that couch?" Angus brushed his thumb over the armrest. "Remember what I said?"

"Bon, I couldn't get to sleep without her. One night she had trouble too and we started sharing a room again," Angus explained.

"Angie, you have to go your own ways."

"We tried that Bon, didn't work."

"It's only gonna hurt worse when-"

"Hey Angus!"

"Yeah?" he called back.

"Is there more soap in the closet?"

"Should be under the sink." A moment of silence passed along with some shuffling around.

"Citrus beach...okay, thanks!"

"It's only gonna hurt worse when she leaves," Bon continued.

"Who says she's gonna leave?" Bon gave his mate a warning glance.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's been almost a year since she got here. Aside from a few false alarms and a nightmare she hasn't left."

"So you think she's here for good?" Angus gave a considered head nod. "Well I don't. You're settin' yourselves up for disaster ya' know."

"Disaster doesn't quite fit the bill Bonnie boy."

"Angus listen to me. She's gonna leave and with that view of yours, you won't expect it. Then what?"

"Hannah knows when she's about to leave, she'd let me know." Angus had to clench his hand to remind himself to keep his voice down.

"Who's to say you won't take it as a false alarm?" Angus didn't answer. He didn't have one. "There see? You know I'm right. I care about Hannah just as much as y-" Bon noticed Angus' sour gaze directed at him. "Almost as much as you and I don't want her heartbroken 'cause her little boyfriend over here is an arrogant, stubborn little-"

"Angus, hat or hair bow?" Angus blushed and looked at his hands.

"Well Angus, which is it? Hat or hair bow?" He could feel Bon's grin on him as he suddenly took great interest in the lines on his knuckles.

"Uh, whichever."

"You can wear the hair bow if you want," Hannah called out.

"Mmm, I don't think it would look as good on me," Angus smiled.

"Alright then, I'll wear it for you."

"Go ahead." Angus' face lifted to meet Bon's.

"You don't want a pretty little hair bow for that pretty little face?" Angus chuckled.

"Glad you think I'm pretty Bon, but I'm nowhere close to being Hannah." Bon gave him a thumbs up.

"Damn right."

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