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"Princess, we can just send Yaku or Lev to the bakery to deliver the message."
"You don't need to go there yourself."
"Forget that!" You smiled and ran through the hallways. "I want to go. Not just because the bakery belongs to Iwaizumi family but because I like seeing the rest of the capital." The butter and lady in waiting smiled and just continued to follow behind.

"Tanaka!" You called once you arrive at the stables. He popped his head out the stable door and grinned. "PRINCESS!" He yelled as he ran up to you. "Can I get a hug?" He joked and you hugged him. Just like Bokuto and Kuroo, Tanaka was really close to you. You pulled away and giggled. "I need you to give me a ride into town."
"Where exactly?" He asked and got out one of the horses. "To the Iwaizumi family bakery."

Tanaka grinned and chucked. "You mean your boyfr-" You put a hand over his mouth and silenced him. "Don't speak so freely about that. You know it's a secret." He chuckled and nodded before helping you into the carriage he attached to the horse then made your way to the Iwaizumi's family bakery.

"Do you think is wise to keep this secret from your father?" Yamaguchi asked once you were out of the gates. "Tsukishima said it would be best to until the time is right."
"Only Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Tsukishima and myself know of your relationship with Iwaizumi, correct?" Yachi asked. You nodded and looked out the window.
"I wish we didn't have to hide it. It's so much effort!"

After a while you got to the bakery. Tanaka opened the carriage door and Yamaguchi got out first so he could assist Yachi and you. When you did a lot of people dropped what they were doing and stared. Frantic whispers could be heard as you walked through the door. "Hello how can I-" Iwaizumi's mum stopped mid sentence. This was the first time you had ever seen her as it was always Iwaizumi and his father delivering food. His mum started breathing heavily and just squealed. "The princess! Oh my goodness!" She was moving frantically as she made her was around the counter and pulled a chair over for you to sit on. "Please please sit. I'll-" You stopped her from going over the top by taking both her hands. "Please Mrs Iwaizumi. Do not lavish me with so much kindness. I am here to give your family good news. Are your husband and son here?" She calmed down and shook her head. "No. They're just sorting out some things at our Tavern a few streets away."
"Do you mind if I wait?"
"Not at all. Would you like some cake? Bread? Ask for anything."
"I'm fine thank-" Of course your stomach had to rumble. Tanaka gave a small chuckled along with Yachi, Yamaguchi and yourself. "Alright maybe a bit." Iwa's mum smiled and went to get you some cake. She served you and the others before walking off behind the counter when you caught her wrist. "Sit with us." You grinned. She looked at you shocked and said that a person like herself shouldn't sit with royalty. You cast it off as nonsense and told her to join you all as you ate together.

"Your son and husband have told me that you are a wonderful person but you've exceeded my expectations." She blushed at your comment. "My son has told me a lot about you. He says your an exceptional young lady with a heart of gold and-
"BY MY FATHER'S NAME THIS CAKE IS AMAZING!" You exclaimed as your servants and driver all thought about Iwa saying these things to his mum in such a way.
Yeah he deserves her.
They all grinned. You apologised for your outburst and for interrupting her but she didn't mind since you seemed to like the cake a lot.

After a few minutes of conversation with Iwaizumi's mum did he actually come back. "Mum we're ba-" Iwa paused and stared at you as you stood up. His Dad came in and just dropped to one knee immediately before Iwa followed. "Your highness, what are you doing here?" They asked.
"Please stand. I'm here to bring you good news." They stood up and went over to Iwa's mum before you continued. "My father as given me the opportunity to choose anyone of my liking to help provide food for our ball in 2 weeks time. So I've chosen you. Your pastries and cakes are my personal favourite."

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now