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"Sir, my wish is for your daughter's hand in marriage."

The arena was filled with gasps and awe sounds. Other's where speechless but then stared whistling. Your mouth was hung open before you smiled at Iwa. He got up and made his may over to you. He knelt and took your hand in his. The crowd went crazy and he smiled. "Only if she says yes." You went red and grinned. 


You, Iwa and everyone else turned to look at your father. He was furious. He grabbed Iwa's collar and shook him. "Do you honestly think I'd just sell my daughter off to you?! You may be the winner but you are just a peasant and I will not bend to your will!" He threw Iwa across the floor. The crows started booing and threw a few things but your father called on some of the guards. Before you could intervene, your father had ordered some guards to take you way, back to the castle.

"Can you belive that!?"
"So he let's a convict go free of any charges and he doesn't give a love struck boy a chance."
"Did you see the princesses' face too!? She clearly knows him!"
"Perhaps the princess and him have a secret relationship." 
"He could have at least said no but I'll give you a chance to prove your self!" Everyone was outraged and started protesting.

Back at the castle, you jogged to keep up with your father who was furiously marching through the halls. "Father, wait! You're being a bit harsh."
"Harsh!? He wants to marry you! Marriage, (y/n)! You don't even know him!"
"Yes I do!"

He stopped and turned to you. "Just because he delivers to us doesn't mean you know him!"
"I do know him! I sneak out to see him all of the time!"
"I'VE BEEN DATING HAJIME FOR 2 YEARS NOW!" You realised what you said and covered your mouth. You shivered. Your father gave you a death glare.

"Yes my king."
"Take my daughter to her room. Guard it. Don't let her leave."
"WHAT!?" Kuroo then came towards you and asked you to follow him. You refused and started fighting with your dad. "Kuroo just drag her there!" Your father yelled.

Kuroo then threw you over his shoulder and walked off. "Kuroo! Let me down!"
"I'm sorry Prin-"
"DON'T TALK TO HER AND DON'T LET ANYONE ELSE DO SO EITHER!" Kuroo immediately bit his tongue.

You got to your room and kuroo placed you inside before rushing to the door and locking it. "Kuroo! Let me out!" He didn't reply and so you banged on the door. You gave up after a few minutes and just slid down the door onto the floor and cried.

Iwa had trained so long for this moment and now you were locked away and he was at the wrath of your father. You heard a few yells and shouts from outside your window. You got up and walked over to where you saw many people crowding around the castle. They were mad at what your father did. He had delivered more ridiculous wished before but the way he reacted to Iwa was horrible in most of the citizen's eyes.

You walked around the room and felt really bored and lonely. "Kuroo can you let me out now." You called and jiggled the door nob. It didn't open and you sighed deeply. After a few hours past when you heard a click from the door. Nishinoya, one of the survants, of whom you were close to, came in, placed a tray of food on the table and left. "Woah woah woah! Wait!" You ran to the door but they already locked it.

They're really not letting me out. What's father going to do to Iwa?

"Kuroo!! Let me out! Please!"
It was no use. He wasn't going to budge. You punched the door and decided to rest.

Time skip - 10 day later

Noya came in to retrieve your tray of food. Once again, only 2 bites and a few sips of the water were consumed. You sat there on a chair facing the window. A blank look in your eye. You could see some of the riots that took place somewhere in the city. But for a week now you hadn't said a word. You would only move to go to toilet or to change clothes. Sometimes you would sleep in that chair. He left with a sad look plastered on his face. The castle seemed so dull without you running around and going to see everyone who worked there.

Noya returned to the kitchen and showed Bokuto the plate. "Again?" He gasped and Noya nodded. "She hasn't moved." Bokuto thought for a while before slamming the rag that was on his shoulder down onto the table and matched over to the stove. A flame erupted and Bokuto started tossing ingredients into a pot. "Bokuto! We're not aloud to give her anything other than what the king has told us."
"BOKUTO!" Everyone in the kitchen yelled. "The king has ruined everything! I'm going to do what I like!"

It was now, time for your lunch and Bokuto made his way to your room. Just as he was about to turn the corner, he saw Kuroo standing right in front of the door, facing it. He pushed his ear against the door. And has a disappointing look. He then went to grab the door nob but stopped himself and gritted his teeth. "Mind if I go in?" Kuroo tuned to see his friend and cleared his throat. "Of course." He moved to the side and before Bokuto went in he said, "this is really effecting you, isn't it?" Kuroo kept a straight face and so Bokuto went in.

"Hey princess." Your ears perked up at the first voice you've heard in so long." Your shaking head turned slowly to the voice. Bokuto gasped. Your skin was extremely pale, almost like his hair. To add to it, you were now overly skinny. You looked like a skeleton. Your eyes were sunken in with dark bags surrounding them.

"(Y/n)!" He ran over to you and kneeled in front of you. He realised that your eyes looked dead. "(Y/n), when did you last sleep properly?" You just shrugged. "(Y/n), please eat at least."
"I'm not hungry." Your voice was dry and lifeless. He stood up and hugged you tightly. "Please (y/n), don't do this to yourself. I know your upset but please, seeing you like this make me want to cry. Please eat something. I even made you your favourite."

He bought over the tray and you smiled at him. "Thank you Bokuto."
"I'm not leaving until you finish eating." You smiled at him weakly and took a bite as he pulled over a seat. "So, what's going on out there?" You asked and gestured to the city view outside your window. "Everyone's rioting because of what your father did. It may seem trivial to him but everyone is extremely annoyed."
"I see. Have you heard from Iwaizumi?" You asked and turned to him. "I saw him at the gate during delivery. No one's allowed inside the gates now. All orders from your father."

"Is he ok?" You asked extremely worried. Bokuto smiled and nodded. "Yeah he's ok. I'm pretty sure no one from the castle is going to touch him at the risk of the villages attacking."
"It's that bad?!" He just nodded and looked towards the door.

"Tell me princess, are you mad a Kuroo for not letting you out of here?"
"Mad at him? No! Kuroo's just doing his job. I was a bit mad at first but he's..." You trailed off and sighed before continuing. "I could never stay mad at him. He's too big of a goof to do anything like this unless my father asked."
"You don't hate him?"
"Obviously not."

You continued to eat and talk when you eventually finished and Bokuto grinned. "Yay! You finished! You have no idea how much it hurt me when food came back unfinished." Bokuto announced dramatically. "Never do it again! Now go to bed! Next time I come I don't want to see any bags!" He commanded and walked away. You just laughed as he left the room.

He closed the door and turned to Kuroo. "It's ok to cry." The knight immediately started to shed tears and covered his face. "I haven't heard her speak in days. I haven't even been able to see or talk to her." He sobbed.
"Did you hear what she said about you?" He nodded and wiped his tears.
"Stop thinking she hates you." Bokuto was about to walk off when,


"BOKUTO!! KUROO!!" You yelled and hit the door with so much force. They pushed open the door and looked at you in worry. "What?!" They both said in unison. You pointed to the window and dragged them over to the large telescope you were standing there.

Kuroo peeked through it and gasped. "What the fuck?!" Bokuto pushed him out of the way and looked through. "No...you've got to me kidding me." He stood there with his mouth wide open. The capital was near the edge of the country and just then you and the other 2 just saw something terrifying.

An army.

Kuroo looked at the flag they held and identified it as the flag of the neighbouring country. They had recently invaded other counties close by. Kuroo ran out of the room and called on Yaku and Lev to deliver the message to everyone. For all he knew this could mean war.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now