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"Ow!" Iwa yelled when Oikawa hit his knuckle with the wooden rod of a spear he nicked from Kuroo. 
"That's not the right one!" 
"They all look the same!"
"They're different sizes!" Iwa leaned back in his plush chair and Oikawa sighed. 
"Come on. You heard the king. If you can't learn this then you can't marry the princess." Iwa rubbed his hand and watched Bokuto walk in with some food. 
"Still not getting it?" He asked as he set the plate down. Both Iwa and Oikawa nodded and Bokuto took the spear off Oikawa. 
"Let me try." Oikawa looked at him confused and Bokuto swung an arm around. "Give me some credit. I make the food, I know what they use to eat it." He started going through everything with Iwa and Oikawa rubbed his temples when he referred to the fruit fork as the king when he's mad and the rounded salad fork a confused spoon.

He left and let the silliness take over. As he did, he bumped into you, Yamaguchi and Yachi. "Hello princess." He smiled. You raised an eyebrow at him and looked out the window at the clock tower.
"Odd, aren't you meant to be with Hajime now."
"You're chef took over." You scoffed and walked with him to the dinning hall where the two of them were suppose to be. You walked in and found Bokuto standing there proudly with the spear in his hand. "Why do you have a spear?"
"What? Oikawa had it?" He pouted.
"Why did you have it?"
"Kuroo gave it to me?"
"Kuroo!" You called and the man came in yawning.
"Yeah?" You pointed to the spear and he chuckled. "Oh yeah. I forgot I gave you that." You sighed and took it off Bokuto and he whined.
"Oh come in princess. I didn't use it." You shook your head and gave it back to Kuroo.
"All of you need to get back to work. What the hell is going on?" They all split off and Oikawa said his goodbyes before Iwa got up and walked over to you.
"You ok?" He asked. It was just the two of you in the hall. You nodded and he lovingly patted your head.
"Stressed?" You nodded and he gently kissed your forehead. Someone cleared their throat and you and Iwa immediately jumped away from each other. Your dad placed a hand arounf you and looked at Iwa who smiled awkwardly.
"Sweetie, can you go down to Yaku and ask him to go down to the Kageyama house hold and tell him to get the documents I asked for. He'll know what to do." You nodded and left with Yamaguchi and Yachi who were waiting outside.

Your dad smiled at Iwa and walked over to the table. "I see Bokuto made what I asked for. Won't you join me?" Several servants walked in and set out another plate. He sat down and Iwa slowly sat down opposite him. There was a prawn dish in front of him and he looked up at your dad who watched him. "Please, do start." Iwa felt intimidated and began eating. Moments later, your dad joined in and he sighed in relief. You were rushing to get back to the hall when you saw Iwa. "Hey." He smiled and held onto your hands.
"Hey. What happened?"
"We had lunch." You raised an eyebrow and he smiled. "It's fine. Come on." He seemed to be in a good mood and the two of you spent the day together.

The next day you woke up and laid in your bed when there was a knock at the door. You sat up and squinted your eyes before yawning. "Come in." You spoke and Yachi came in.
"Morning princess. The king asked me to get you ready for an announcement later today."
"Announcment?" You asked as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed. She nodded and helped you get ready for the day. She was busy doing your hair when Akashi knocked and asked to come in. You allowed him and he stood there behind you, you watched from the mirror. Two servants were behind him and they both held up a different outfit. "My princess, I feel the need to ask you which one of these would you like Iwaizumi to wear?" You looked back and forth from them and smiled.
"He looks nice in turquoise, so the right one." He bowed slightly and left.
"Yachi, any idea on what going on?" She shook her head and sighed, clearly tired. 
"No idea. Yamaguchi just ran into my room as he was doing his tie and told me the king needed you up and ready. It scared the life out of me." You laughed lightly at the thought of the two panicking. 

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now