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Some of the servants were placing all of the food for dinner on the table and Bokuto came in to make sure they were ok. As he was, Akihito came in. You were with him and looked down at the floor as he spoke. He began critiquing everything and yelling at the servants. Bokuto looked over at you and saw a slight glimpse of marks hidden under the fabric of your dress, just at your neckline. He frowned and walked off. As he was, he found Kuroo. It looked like he was on break. Bokuto was a bit annoyed with his friend at the moment. He wasn't talking with anyone. Never less, he when up to him and sat down with him in the garden, on top of a crate.

"Bokuto?" Kuroo spoke and smiled happily at him. Bokuto turned to him and jumped at the sight. Kuroo looked exceptionally tired and worn. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. He looked so happy to see him.
"Are you ok?" Bokuto asked with a worried voice.
"Yeah." He signed and rubbed his eyes.
"Maybe ask the king for a few days off or something." He advised and Kuroo shook his head.
"No no. Junichi said I have to work."
"That ass hole."
"Be careful about what you say." Kuroo warned and Bokuto glared off in to the distance.
"This is shit!" He yelled and threw a rock near by. Kuroo pulled him back down and made him sit down. "We need to get rid of him." Bokuto said, maliciously. Kuroo looked at him wide eyed and looked around to see if there was anyone else around. He didn't hear or see anyone.
"I think I know how." He spoke and Bokuto looked at him, intrigued.

"Let's have a celebration." Junichi smiled at the table and you looked down at your plate of food. You didn't really like some of the things that were there but the two ass holes that had invaded did.
"Why may I ask?" Your dad wondered.
"To celebrate our countries merging." He smirked. Pig would learn to fly before the countries merged. It was a ploy to prevent thousands from dying. Of course you didn't know that and seeing your dad agree angered you. Somehow, you had managed to slip away from Akihito and wondered the secret passages. You were minding your own business when someone popped up out of no where. "Oh princess?" Tsukishima perked up and bowed to you. You smiled lightly. "Still smiling I see."
"Apparently." He walked with you for a while and the two of you had a catch up session.
"Did you and my father have an argument?" You asked. He chuckled nervously and nodded.
"Yes but we sorted it out." You nodded and he saw the sad look you made.

"What's wrong?" He asked. You shrugged and took a deep breath.
"Everything's changed. I haven't seen Hajime in so long. I hope he's ok." Tsukishima kept a straight face despite hating when you were sad. "Do you think you could send someone to give him a message for me?" He looked at you confused before it occurred to him.
"Oh...you don't know." He muttered. You went pale and looked at him, frightened.
"What happened?" He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.
"Your dad and Junichi ordered that he leave the capital and never return. No one has been in contact with him." You felt your heart snap and tears brimmed the edge of your eyes.
"What?" Your shaking voice asked.
"I'm sorry. I tried to stop them but Junichi demanded it." Tsukishima couldn't meet your gaze but then saw you crying. He frowned and gave you a handkerchief.
"Trust me my princess." He smiled and comforted you. "We are doing everything to fix this whole situation." He spoke sadly and calmed you down.

Soon after, you were both out of the secret passages. Tsukishima made his way to the kitchen and kicked the door opened. "Where's Bokuto?" He yelled and the kitchen staff looked at him surprised.
"Um...he took a break." Tsukishima went to Bokuto's usual place and marched over to him when he saw him.
"Bokuto!" He called and walked over. He looked over at him and smiled. 
"Hey Tsuki. What's wrong?" He asked. Tsukishima looked around and leaned in. 
"We need to get rid of Akihito and Junichi." He whispered. 
"Already on it. So here's the plan." Tsukishima did a double take. 
"Wait what?" He asked and Bokuto smiled with pride. 
"Me and Kuroo just made some plans to get it started." Tsukishima took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. 
"Please tell me you haven't started the plan yet." 
"No we haven't." 
"Tell me it first please."

It was then that there were some of Akihito's guards walking around. "So the pub?" Bokuto spoke suddenly. 
"Yeah ok." Tsukishima signed in annoyance. "But I'm not dragging your drunk ass back here." Bokuto gave a hearty laugh until the guards were gone. When they were, Tsukishima looked at him seriously. 
"So what's the plan?" Tsukishima asked. Bokuto put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. 
"Not here. So pub?" Tsukishima slumped his back and groaned. 

Once it was nightfall, Tsukishima made his way over to the pub that Iwa's family ran. It was far from the castle and so they doubted that anyone from Akihito's guard was going to be there. Tsukishima entered and was pleased to see Kuroo there since they were the only two who knew about what happened when the engagement was made. Bokuto was there with him and they each had a pint each. He asked Ukai for a pint and he got it to him quickly before the three of them sat down in the corner of the pub. "So what's the plan the two of you came up with?" Tsukishima wondered as he took a sip of his beer. Bokuto smirked and leaned forward, along with Kuroo. "Here's the plan." 

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now