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"Hajime! Could you come down! Asahi's here with the flour, wheat and eggs."
"Coming!" He ran down the stairs and met the sweet hearted farmer at the door to give him a hand. They were having a friendly chat as they got the work done when the familiar sound of a trumpet could be heard not too far away. Both of them went over to the source and found the king's orange haired herald standing on a platform. "Come one come all to the annual warrior's tournament! All are welcome to sign up! The winner will receive a wish from the King! Ask for anything! No tax! More money! Anything! The sign up sheet will be placed on the bulletin board residing next to the town fountain. All participants must sign the sheet within a fortnight!" And with that he jumped into the carriage and left to spread the new in other parts of town.

"The tournament...scary." Asahi shivered. The warrior's tournament was one of the most dangerous things a person could do. Hundreds of people from around the country would take part, from Shiratorizawa to Jozenji. But almost all of them would be heavily injured. The winner would always ask for things such as no tax for 4 years until they got back on their feet. One year there was an ex criminal that asked for his records to be cleaned so he could start over. Asahi turned back to the bakery when Iwa grabbed his arm. "Cover for me."
"What?" Before Asahi could ask why Iwa ran off.

He made his way to the town fountain where there were already some people signing up. He pushed his way through the crowd and went to write his name. That's when his dad intervened. "HAJIME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He grabbed Iwa's arm tightly and pulled him away from the board. "Were you signing up for the tourney?" Iwa nodded and he just stared at Iwa in disbelief. "No...no Hajime! Don't your dare! What would you have to gain from it!?"
"Father please don't tell Mother."
"Please." Iwaizumi pleaded. His dad stared at him with a questionable look. "What is it that you want? I'll get it for you."
"Father this isn't something you can just buy."

There was silence as people past by. His father had tears brimming his eyes. "You really want to do this? Are you sure there's no other way?" Iwa nodded and his father patted his back. "You have guts son. Be careful." He nodded and turned to write his name. They made their way back to the bakery where Iwa's mother stood worried. "Hajime what happened? Where did you go?" She asked once the two males came into view. "Nothing. Don't worry." Iwa went back up to his room and collapsed on his bed.

Time skip - the tournament

"YOU DID WHAT?! Iwaizumi's mum yelled at the table. Since today was the tournament and she was going he kind of had to tell her he was participating. "I'm going to be taking part in the tourney." His mum looked like she was about to faint in her chair and just stared at the table. "Hajime you do realise that the people who take part are either extremely strong or can use a weapon with such skill, right?" He nodded and pulled out a pair of daggers. "I'm pretty good with these." His mum was on the verge of tears now. "Mum I'll be fine. Besides, if I do get hurt then Suga will heal me. He's the best healer in the city. Not to mention Daichi delivered a new batch of herbs to him yesterday." A single tear left her eye and Iwa immediately got up to hug her and calmed her down. "Hajime."
"Do us proud."
"I will."

Iwa made his way to the arena where the tournament took place every year and got ready. The fighting ground, just like every year, had different obstacles placed in random locations. His first fight wasn't until midday. He watched as the fights went on and on. He was indeed scared but shook it off. Midday came sooner then expected to him and he made his way on to the fighting ground and watched as the previous loser was helped out of the arena. His opponent was about the same age but look much stronger. His obstacles were things such as walls, platforms and slopes. Iwaizumi took his daggers out as his opponent cracked his knuckles.

You sat with your father in the royal bleachers in the best place in the arena. You didn't care much for it but it was a traditional thing in the country. Some of the fights did leave you biting your nails but this one almost made you faint when you saw Iwaizumi stride into the centre. You showed a shocked and worried expression.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now