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"EVACUATED THE PREMISES!" Hinata yelled through the streets as the news of the army spread. People were in a panic and were running around, gathering all of the things they needed. Kuroo gathered an army and waited at the capitals gateway for the other army.

They came into view. The leader was the King and Prince of the neighbouring Kingdom. The Prince's name was Akihiko and his father was Junichi. They were known for being incredible strong rulers, both mentally and physically.

Just like in any old battle the leaders would first talk to see if there was any way around the fight but there was none in this case. Junichi and Akihiko just wanted the kingdom. They claimed to have gone around other villages and that they were unhurt but still. You father was at the battle too. He wasn't going to just give them the kingdom and so a fight started.

Half an hour in, in the castle, Bokuto and Akaashi were trying to get you to safety. You were running though the hall ways when you spotted someone in the hall way. They weren't wearing armor and didn't have a sword. You grabbed Bokuto and Akaashi's hands and ran in the opposite direction. The man spotted you and ran after you. He was catching up when he suddenly tripped and when he tried to get up,


You looked up to see Tsukishima with a frying pan and Yachi and Yama crouching next to some pillars with a string end in each of their hands. You quickly pulled the three of them into a hug and asked what they were still doing. The castle had been invaded and a lot of the carriages had been damaged and so it would be hard to leave. Tanaka was gone since he was dragged off to battle to carry weapons.

They also mentioned that there was still one horse left that hadn't been taken. Immediately after that was said, Akaashi and Tsukishima took one of your hands each and ran off. "What are you two doing?"
"It there's one more horse you need to be the one to take it." Akaashi said.
"You are the princess after all." Tsukishima added.
"What about all of you. What if you get hurt?"
"We'll get hurt knowing you are safe-"

As soon as he said that a fist came into contact with Akaashi's face. Another enemy solider had found you and tried to grab you. Tsukishima tried blocking any of his sword swings with the frying pan he had grabbed earlier and told you to run. But you didn't. Tsukishima was now getting beat up and Akaashi was knocked out. You looked around and found a suit if armor on diplay. You grabbed the sword.

Tsukishima thought you had run away until you gave a battle cry and hit the intruder with the edge of the sword. He fell back and jumped up again to hit you but you blocked it and started sword fighting him. Tsukishima was dumbfounded and when Akaashi regain consciousness he was utterly confused and thought he hit his head to hard.

You easily defeated him by knocking him out and Tsukishima and Akaashi got up and stared at you. "How...do you know how to sword fight?" They asked and you just laughed nervously.
"Iwa taught me a few things just in case I was ever in a situation like this."
They were still trying to process what happened when they ran off with you again to the one horse that was left. You got on and looked over at Tsuki and Akaashi. "You should leave." Tsukishima said and you nodded and left. You didn't have too much trouble leaving the castle walls. You did come across some intruders but rode past all of them.

You were now in the forest. The horse was going as fast as it could to get away from the castle. You then heard galloping from behind you. You turned to see some of Akihiko's troupes running after you on their own horses. You whipped the rein of the horse and it sped up. That's when one of the soldiers pulled out a bow and arrow and aimed for the horses leg.

He hit it and your horse collapsed. You fell off and they surrounded you. One by one they jumped off of their horses and the first one off attacked you with a sword. You blocked it with the sword you took earlier. But even though you were able to hold them off, they were trained and you only knew bits and bobs. You were at a huge disadvantaged.

You were tired and caught off guard when one of them attacked from behind. You jumped back and his sword cut you from your shoulder down to your elbow. He went to swing at you again when he received a kick to the face.


You gasped and he took down all but one of the soldiers. "Stay behind me." He said and stood in front of you. He started fighting. However, from what it looked like, Iwa had ran here from who knows where and was tired. He did well to make it this far but now he was way past his limit and was knocked over harshly.

His opponent stood menacingly. You got up as fast as you could and put your arms around the man's torso before launching him a few feet away. Iwa tried to get up but was in such incredible pain that he just couldn't. His opponent then tried to attack you and you fought back.

He raised his sword high above his head and was prepared to slam it down and kill you. There was no way the old sword you were wielding was going to stop that. As a result, you acted without thinking. You stabbed him through he chest. The soldier froze and coughed. The blood that escaped and dripped onto your face snapped you out of it and you realised what you had done.

You had just killed a man...

You were paralyzed in fear and it didn't help that the man coughed up blood onto your face. Your hands shook with the sword still inside him and you just wanted to scream. Just then you felt a hand cover your eyes and hold you tight. It was Iwaizumi. His other hand was placed over yours and he whispered slowly into your ear. "This is not your burden ok." You felt you handing being pulled back towards you and hear a thud, knowing it was the man you killed. "We share this murder." He then turned your entire body to him and let you cry and scream into his chest before taking you away to where he assumed Suga was, in order to get you treatment.

Of course his hands were overloaded with so many injured people there was no way for him to keep up. However, when you came into the area where everyone was evacuated the woman Suga was healing offered you his services first. You didn't deny the gesture but she insisted and so your minor wounds were healed first.

You sat with Iwa the entire time you were there. It was nice to finally be able to be with him and many of the civilians that were there loved to see the two of you happily sitting together.

It was like this for a while. Everyone was still evacuated until you heard marching from close by. You got up along with some others to see what it was and found your dad and, along with him, King Junichi and Prince Akihiko. You were confused until Hinata, shaking and tired, stepped forward and blew on his trumpet. It caught everyone attention. Everuone came closed, leave shelters. Your dad made an announcement. "Everyone! We have found a way to avoid the war!" He announced. "After much fighting, both King Junichi and I realised that both our kingdoms are powerful and great. Fighting each other will only lead to sorrow and so we have decided to unite the two of our kingdoms." Everyone gasped and Iwa looked over at you to see your eyes wide with shock. He saw a shadow descend on both of you. He looked back to see your dad glare at him and forcefully drag you forward. "My daughter, and your princess, (y/n), is now betrothed to Prince Akihito!"

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now