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The whole capital was in a panic at the potential deaths of both of their rulers. There was a crowd outside of Suga's place. People were mortified at the news. Upon further examination, Suga realised that the knife Akihito had stabbed you with was laced with a slight bit of poison. Not enough to kill you thankfully. The king was lucky that when the assassin had shot him was when Oikawa found him and tackled him. If it wasn't for him than the arrow would have not missed it's shot and pierced his heart instead. The assassin was put under Kuroo's watch. All of Akihito's guards were arrested and locked away for further questioning. His country caused a fit when they found out that their rulers were imprisoned but once the situation was explained many hung their heads in shame for something so horrible to happen.

Iwa was inside, by your bed. He held your hand gently. Suga took a sample of the poison in you and was taking a look at it since you hadn't woken up or responded in a few days. He was almost positive that you were in a coma. You dad was hit with a different type of poison to you and yes he was weak but he was responsive. Iwa took a deep breath and got up to leave. He went up to Daichi, who was sorting out some herbs for Suga. Daichi saw the distress he was in and handed him a glass of water. "Drink up." He did so when the door opened.

In the door way was Tanaka, Yachi and Yamaguchi. Iwa and Daichi perked up since they hadn't returned since Akihito threatened their lives. "Where's the king?" Yamaguchi asked.
"Where's the princess?" Tanaka added.
"Are they ok?" Yachi asked with teary eyes. Suga heard the commotion and ran over. He allowed them to come through and check on both of you. It was silent in the front room when Tanaka ran back in. Iwa and Daichi turned to him. 
"The king's awake!" He screamed and both Daichi and Iwa ran into his room. He was sat up and looked really tired. Suga was making sure everything was ok with him. He looked around, trying to process everything. 
"My king?" Suga spoke calmly. Your dad looked at him and he squinted. 
"Suga? What's going on?" 
"Don't worry about that. What do you remember?" He asked.

The king looked down and remained silent for a while. "I was at the castle and I was going to say something when that boy Iwa..." He trailed off and looked angry. Iwa stepped back and quickly left. He stayed outside as your dad continued. "He ran in screaming about something and Akihito attempted to stop him when I was shot." Iwa sighed and walked over to your room. He closed the door behind him and sat besides you. He checked to make sure you were still breathing and he was thankful that you were. As he was, the door opened and your dad came staggering in. "Your majesty! You can't be moving around!" Suga spoke and sighed when he didn't stop moving. Iwa stood and looked over at your dad before he noticed him by your bed. His face grew angry and Iwa took a step back. "You!" He screamed and tried to grab Iwa. He was far too weak to do anything and almost fell when he attempted to grab him. Daichi caught him but he tried to get away and hit Iwa. "You little- get away from my daughter!" He screamed and suddenly went limp. Dachi carried on away and Iwa gulped. Suga looked over at him and apologised before leaving. From the next room, Iwa could hear your dad's displeasure and signed before deciding to leave. He went back over to his parents house and they made him some food.

A couple of days passed and you still weren't awake. Iwa was helping out around Suga's place. He was by himself and wasn't really doing anything before going over to your room. He had been checking every so often. He stayed by your bed and gently stroked your cheek. Your dad stood at the door and glared when Suga popped up. He was going to say something but knew that if Iwa saw your dad he was going to jump out of his skin and so just lead your dad back to his room. Once he managed to get your dad to sit back down on his bed he smiled. "Sir, don't you think it's time for you to give Iwaizumi a break?" He asked. Your dad glared at him and Suga just kept his sweet smile on. "Sir I'm being serious. Ok, the princess genuinely loves him. He would do anything for her." Your dad remained silent and Suga just let him be when Iwa ran through the door. "She's awake! She's awake!" 

Both of them went wide eyed when Iwa ran back out. Suga went after him and entered your room. You were sat up against the headboard. Suga smiled and stood by the bed before checking to see if everything was ok with you. "You seem to be ok. Might want to keep you here a bit longer to be sure." You nodded and thanked him as he went to get you some water. Iwa sat by your bed and held your hand gently.
"Hey." He smiled and tears came to his eyes. You grinned and leaned your forehead against him. 
"Hey. I'm guessing you guys took care of Akihito." Iwa nodded and kissed your forehead. Suga came back over and handed you some water. He went to the door and saw your dad stood there by the door, out of site. "Aren't you going to go to her?" Suga asked. Your dad sighed and looked at you and Iwa. 

He was feeding you some food and you looked happy. You dad staggered in and, as soon as he did, Iwa jumped away from you. You dad looked at him and you smiled sweetly. "Dad! You're ok." You grinned and he sat down with you and smiled gently. He then turned to Iwa who was looking down at the floor. At the corner of his eye he could see you're flushed face. 
"Hurry over here boy and feed my daughter!" He spoke angrily and Iwa looked at him surprised. He got up and didn't look back at either of you as he left. He was down the hallway when there were rushed footsteps behind him. "Your majesty!" Iwa called and he turned to see Iwa bowing. "Thank you." 
"For what?" 
"For letting me at least stand close to your daughter." Your dad shrugged and glared at him. 
"Don't let me regret it." He spoke and walked off.
"Thank you dad!" You yelled from your room. You dad paused in his movement before going to rest.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now