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A/N- the tournament is 6 days long

Day 2

Iwaizumi was winning fights left right and centre. His opponents were getting harder and harder but many of them feared him and that glare he had. The arena was more packed that day since news spread that Iwa was fighting. Even though the opponents were tuff, Iwa was stronger and only got 2 or 3 bruises. That night he sent a messenger bird that Oikawa lent him to you saying he was doing alright and that he promised to send you one everyday until the end if the tournament just to make you feel more secure. You were happy that he did this. Concidering you could never go to see him it still reassured you that he was doing just fine.

Day 3

There there only a half of the contenders left in the tourney since half of them left on the first two days. Today was slightly different since 5 people at random would be chosen at a time and placed in a maze. In the centre there were 4 scrolls that you had to grab and leave the maze without getting it taken from you. Every once in a while you would come across something to use to your advantage. Iwaizumi was in the 6th group. You watched carefully as him and 4 others ran around the maze, occasionally bumping into someone else and fighting. Iwa and 2 others found items but Iwa was the only one to used it to get to the middle of the maze. It was a mirror. The other 2 used it to look around corners whereas Iwa used it to see the whole maze. You weren't aloud to climb over walls but by holding the mirror just above the wall he could see the path to the middle. Somewhat like a birds eye view to speed up the process.

He was the first one to get a scroll but he was stopped on his way back and force to fight. It didn't help that he couldn't climb the walls and that the pathway was pretty narrow. He eventually just went with Ukai's style of fighting just to hit some of the guys's nerves and slow him down. Iwa was the first out and made it to the next round.

Day 4

They revealed what today's event and it really took a lot of people by surprise. Resilience. There were no weapons and no hand to hand combat. Today's event was based around resilience. It was hard to watch even if the contestants were meant to keep still. The pain they were feeling from having to carry bolders to hot coals being placed under them. No one could take their eyes away even if they wanted too. People's bones were cracking and breaking. People were screaming that they wanted to forfeit. The last 24 standing would go through. Even though Iwa passed you felt worried for him and the others who had to go through this. Your father fired the tourney's organiser for pulling such a stunt and ensured everyone that if would not happen again. Since you felt bad for the contestants you asked your father to give them the 5th day off and reorganise the schedule so that the tourney finished in time.

Day 5

Since it was a day off you went over to all the contestants' homes and offered to pay for their medicals and even bought medicine from Suga to give to all of them. Iwa was the last person you went to. It was dark out when you got to his house. It was a very small house since he lived by himself now. There was a bathroom, a kitchen and a bedroom. You knocked on the door and Iwa's dad opened it. He immediately fell to one knee and bowed. "Princess! What are you doing here!?"
"I've been going around to pay for the contestants' medicals and any medicine they may need due to what happened at the tournament yesterday. Iwaizumi is the last person. Why are you here Mr Iwaizumi. I was told that your son lives alone."
"He does but my wife and I were worried and came to see him." You nodded and he let you inside.

You loved Iwaizumi's house. It was small and cozy. You originally planned to stay awhile and talk with Iwaizumi but since his parents were there you could. Fortunately for you, they were planning to leave soon and left after about 5 minutes, leaving you and Iwaizumi alone while Yamaguchi and Yachi waited in the carriage parked just outside with Tanaka.

"You look tired." Iwa chuckled as he sat up on the side of his bed. You roll you eyes and sat down next to him. "Shut up." You leaned your head against his shoulder and he hugged you from the side. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." You apologiesed. "It wasn't you fault."
"But now there're scars and burns on your back."
"Again, you had nothing to do with it. You blame yourself too much and too often."
"No buts."

You pout and he squished you cheeks with his palms. "Don't give me that look." You sigh and take both of his hands in your. "Can you please just tell me what you want." You whine. He gave a stern look before scratching the back of his head. "Well...you do have the right to know. Alright I'll tell you." Your eye sparkled that he was finally going to tell you but then he smirked. "I'll tell you tomorrow when I win." You gave him a blank look and got up. "I'm leaving."
Iwa started laughing. "Love you!" He said between laughs before you left. You just stuck your tongue out at him. "Be careful tomorrow." With that you opened the door and left.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now