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You stood there in the front of the hall with your train dragging behind you. Yachi was at your side, as a brides maid and looked as down as everyone else in the hall, apart from Akihito, his father and your own. Even the priest didn't look too happy to perform the ceremony. However, not long ago, Yamaguchi had over heard his saying he was not going to let the two of you get marry but Akihito and Junishi, his dad, threatened him, saying that if he didn't then there would be serious consequences.

After the wedding, Yamaguchi and Yachi were trying to find you to see how you were doing. There couldn't find you and went to your room, well, your's and Akihito's room. They approached the door and saw two of the guards from Akihito's kingdom stood there. "Is the princess in there?" Yachi asked. They didn't say anything and Yamaguchi scowled. 
"We have to talk to her." 
"No can do. The prince has commanded that no one be allowed inside his quarters until he says so." 
"Now off you go." The two of them smirked and Tsukishima was stood at the end of the corridor. He glared and marched towards the king's quarters. 

He burst the door open and your dad looked up at him. "Tsukishima? What is the meaning of this intrusi-"
"I'm resigning." Your dad looked up at him confused and stood to meet his gaze.
"Why?" He asked and Tsukishima removed his gloves and threw them on to the nearby table. 
"You have ruined this country my king. I will have nothing to do with it!" He yelled when Kuroo showed up.
"Hey! What's going on?" He asked and Tsukishima looked at him. 
"I quit." Kuroo looked at him shocked and, as Tsukishima started to leave, Kuroo grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the middle of the room.
"What do you mean you quit?" He demanded and Tsukishima glared at him before pointing at the king. 
"This is not the person I said I would help and guide. No! This is a mere shell!" 

Your dad looked down sadly and Kuroo walked towards the door, closed it and turned the lock. "What are you doing?" Tsukishima asked, slightly frightened. Kuroo's angry and serious face fell and he looked at him sadly. Tsukishima was surprised to see it and looked to the king who expressed a similar emotion. "What is-"
"Tsukishima, I'm doing this for a reason." Tsukishima looked at him with concern. He asked him to sit and the two explained and described the event that transpired the day the engagement was settled. "This is the only way for me to protect the country and (y/n). It'll buy me time for now." Tsukishima nodded and stood.
"I'm sorry for thinking otherwise." He grabbed his gloved and slipped them back onto his hands. Your dad smiled and thanked him for staying. 

The next day, Yachi was there in your room, helping you get ready. Unfortunately, she was not allowed to speak. Akihito was in the room and if she uttered a word to make sure you were ok then she was definitely going to get in trouble. She knew though that you were far from ok. When she was helping you changed she of course had to look at your body. It sent chills up her back at the sight of so many red marks and bruises. She looked at your face in the mirror and your eyes were basically dead. She felt so sad to look at it. She took her time to get you ready. This annoyed Akihito greatly. He demanded that she hurried and Yachi left. The moment she was out the door it was slammed shut behind her. 

She ran off to find Yamaguchi who was with Bokuto. Apparently, Junichi and Akihito had some major problems with the food that Bokuto would make and told Yamaguchi to go fix it. Bokuto looked at her as she came through the door. "We have to help the princess." She cried and Yamaguchi calmed her down and told her to quieten down. Bokuto gave her a small bread bun to calm her down and she ate it as she took a breather. It was then that Akihito came through the door, looking down at the chefs. Behind him, you followed and enter. Akihito turned to you and stopped you from coming any further into the kitchen. "This is no place for you my dear." He smiled and kissed your hand. "As much as I agree that a woman's place is in the kitchen." 

Everyone in the kitchen silently cursed at him. "Ah! You must be Bokuto!" He smiled as he walked up to the white haired male. When ever the king entered the kitchen he would hug and shake Bokuto's hand, as well as any other chef that he passed. Akihito smiled painfully then saw the state Bokuto was in from cooking and took a step back. He looked over at Yamaguchi and lifted his chin up. "I hope you have settled with them my commandment." Yachi, who was out of his sight raised an eyebrow. 
"Does that even make sense?" She muttered to herself. She looked over at you and saw the dead look on you face again. She sighed when Akihito began to leave. He walked to the door and took hold of your hand before walking off. However, as he was, he felt something tug. He turned and everyone looked shocked as Yachi latched her hand around yours. Akihito glared at her and you finally showed some signs of life and looked at her. 

"What are you doing?" He asked and looked down at her. She pulled on your arm and you were released from Akihito's grip. You stood by Yachi who glared at the prince. 
"You're not taking her." She growled. Everyone was silent when Akihito lifted his hand with anger burning in his eyes. He brought it down with force, ready to hit her when he was stopped. Yamaguchi gripped his wrist and threw him back. Akihito looked both annoyed and shocked at their actions before calling for some guards. They came and he pointed at your butler and lady in waiting. "Throw these two in the dungeon." He spat, his face red with anger. The two of them watched as the guards approached. They both grabbed your hands and ran through the kitchen. The guards had only been there for a few weeks and so the two of them were positive that they knew the castle better. Plus, only the guards high up really knew about these, but there were secret passages in the castle so they could move around fast. Yachi and Yamaguchi knew all of them.

You ran through the halls and made some distance when you finally got to a pillar. Yachi pushed her ring against a part of the pillar and a door opened in the wall. The three of you entered and closed it behind you. Moments later, you could hear people rush past. "Find those three!" Akihito yelled and you, Yamaguchi and Yachi stayed silent. "When you find those two, throw them in the dungeon. I'm gonna kill them!" He yelled and you looked at both of them. They looked at you sadly. "Bring my wife to me!" You cringed and went further into the passage. "You two need to get out of here. He'll keep to his word and kill you." 
"You're coming with us then." Yamaguchi spoke. 
"I can't." 
"But if you stay he's going to hurt you." You smiled sadly. 
"That's an order." You spoke and they froze and looked at you with teary eyes and you gave them a bright smile. "Please. The capital is swarming with his guards. Leave with Tanaka. No one can catch him." They nodded reluctantly and you made your way to an exit. You found Tanaka on the way and he agreed to leave with them. However, that meant that he wouldn't be allowed back. He more than happy to help you with this and left. You gave the three of them one last goodbye. They bowed slightly at you and you smiled and hugged them before they ran out of the capital.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now