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"Hajime?" You exclaimed and slipped out of Akihito's grip. Iwa was panting and tired but seeing you made him so happy. He smiled and you ran over to him. He opened his arms and you jumped right into them, laughing and grinning. He held you tight in his arms and felt his heart race. Your dad was happy to see you in a good mood. However, he still wasn't fond of Iwa in the slightest.
"How did you get in here?" Junichi yelled. "Guards!" He screamed and several of them approached Iwa when they were stopped. Your own guards had stopped them.
"Hey! You were ordered to get Iwaizumi! Not protect him!" Akihito spat and you held on to Iwa's hand.
"Technically they follow my dad's order's not yours." You spoke and glared at him. He attempted to get closer when some more guards pointed their spears at his neck.
"We'll have your heads for this!" Akihito spoke when his dad took his side.
"Move now!"
"We're still on my family's land so I order them not to move!" You yelled and the guards were confused over what to do so they stood still.
"You're just a princess! I'm a king!"
"Of another country!" Iwa yelled and Junichi's veins began to throb. Everyone was now arguing and the guest stood still with shock over what was happening.

"ENOUGH!" You all jumped and looked at your dad as he came forward. You stood in front of Iwa since you weren't sure as to what he was going to do. Your dad glared at Iwa and the guards all lowered their spears.
"I don't know how you got into the capital, never mind the castle, but you either leave yourself or in a coffin." Iwa went pale and you stepped forward.
"Move aside (Y/n)!"
"Akihito is trying to kill you!" Iwa yelled suddenly. You went pale and looked at him.
"What?" You asked.
"He hired an assassin. That's why he wanted to throw this party all of a sudden. They're trying to kill him!" He pointed at Akihito who just scoffed.

"You really are pathetic aren't you. Why would I want to kill my father in law?" He questioned but your dad hadn't forgotten the pain they had inflicted on him when the deal to marry you off was made. He wasn't sure what to think.
"You abuse your own wife! Killing him is nothing to you!"
"Why you little!" Junichi spat and marched forward. You stayed in front of Iwa and both of you stumbled back. Junichi raised his hand and you shut your eyes tight. When nothing happened, you opened your eyes and saw your dad gripping Junichi's wrist. He pushed him back and glared.
"Now I don't know what's going on here but all of you need to shut-" He screamed when a window shattered. Your breath hitched and you covered your mouth. Everyone in the hall started panicking when their king got on both knees as an arrow stuck out of his chest. "Dad!" You screamed and tried to go to his side. You didn't know what to do and blood was starting to leak out of him.

"You see!" Akihito yelled. "Iwaizumi was distracting us! He must have hired someone to get back at the king!" Everyone looked down and didn't know what to say. But when an echo was heard booming around the hall, everyone perked up to look at you. Akihito was just as shocked at the fact that you had slapped him. Others came to try and help your dad as they called for help. You were gripping Akihito's collar and glaring at him. Not a single person, not even Iwa, had ever seen you so pissed off. You began shaking Akihito violently. "You little fucking ass hole!" Everyone went wide eyed and watched. "You really think we're gonna believe your bullshit!" You threw him back and looked at Junichi. "And you!" You grabbed one of the spears off of the guards and pointed it at him. "You better kill yourself now or I'm gonna do it!" Junichi gulped and backed up. "Now one of you better fess up." You growled.
"Why don't we just ask the assassin?" You whipped your head around to the door where Oikawa, Kuroo, Akashi and Bokuto where.

They looked tired and worn. With them was a man in a cloak. He had a bow and arrow with him. You were still really angry but them Iwa came to your side and gently placed his hands on your shoulders. You calmed down and saw your dad on the floor, knocked out. Someone rushed over with a chair for you to sit on. Kuroo told a handful of guards to stay close to Akihito and Junichi incase they tried to get away. In the meantime, Kuroo stood glaring down at the assassin. "So?" Bokuto spoke as he squatted down in front of the assassin. "Who hired you?" The man remained silent and just sat there. Bokuto sat there patiently. You heard your dad groan in pain. You started crying and Iwa tried to calm you down. Kuroo saw the state you were in and marched over to the assassin before punching him in the face. He hissed in pain and panted. he remained silent and Kuroo was just irritated. He was about to hit him again when he felt someone catch his wrist. 

He looked down at you before stepping back. You sat in front of the assassin and he looked at you confused. "Please tell me who hired you." Once again, there was no reply. 
"Princess please-" Akashi started and you looked up at him. He immediately stopped and you turned back to the man in front of you. There was silent when Suga and Daichi ran in. The two were with a few others and quickly rushed over to your dad. Suga was busy trying his best to stop the bleeding. Everyone was now concentrating on what was going on with your dad. You put a hand on the assassin's shoulder and he was even more confused than ever. "Please tell me." He gulped and looked down.
"You're just gonna kill me." He mumbled. 
"I won't." No one was listening right now except for Iwa, Oikawa, Bokuto, Kuroo and Tsukishima. "If you tell me then no harm will come to you." 
"I can garentee you," Bokuto chucked lightly. "This girl will not lie about this." The assassin watched you as your eyes teared up. He looked over at Akihito and Junichi. The two of them jumped. 

The assassin stood up, causing everyone to turn to him and back up. "King Junichi and Prince Akihito hired me to kill the king in order to take over the country." He spoke and every turned to the two of them. They were frozen and Kuroo glared at them.
"Take them to the dungeons." He commanded. The guards grabbed hold of them and you. You walked over to your dad. Suga smiled at you and said he'd be fine and that he was draining the poison out. You were in your knees and gently holding your dad's face. Iwa walked over to you and tried to comfort you. You stood up and hugged him tightly. Kuroo smiled and looked over at the guards taking Junichi and Akihito away. Akihito was red with anger and his eyes were shaking. He looked over at Bokuto when there was a scream. He whipped his head around and saw someone dash past.
"IWAIZUMI!" Akihito screamed. In his hand was something sharp. Iwa looked over and he was about to step back but Akihito was incredibly fast. 

His eyes widened when you stepped in front of him. Whatever Akihito was holding, it was stabbed into your shoulder. You glared at him and kicked him back. Everyone was frozen in place and the guards tackled Akihito. You fell back and Iwa caught you. He examined the stab wound and went to take out the knife. Daichi stopped him and told him that you would bleed to death if he took it out. Kuroo told the guards to hurry and get rid of Akihito before coming over to you. Iwa was tearing up and you grinned up at him. "Now don't make that face." 
"Oh god." Suga spoke when he examined the wound. "We need to get both of you to my place." He spoke and your eyes became heavy. Iwa held you tight before being told to take you to Suga's place.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now