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Iwa sat on the top of a crate inside the storage room with Bokuto in front of him. Kuroo and Akashi had made their way over to them through the passages. Iwa told them what he saw and heard. "It would made sense." Bokuto spoke and tapped his chin.
"Yeah. They suddenly wanted to party for no reason and invited a lot of people last minute." Akashi spoke.
"They wanted a audience for the kings death." Kuroo spoke.
"What are we going to do?" Iwa asked and they looked at Kuroo. He was the most likely to be able to come up with a plan. He thought for a while before clicking his fingers.
"I got it."

Akihito had become a bit weary of Tsukishima lately. No one really knew why but he was. He demanded that Tsukishima stood close by through out the day. Because of this, he didn't get to see if Iwa had successfully come around or not. Judging by the lack of commotion in the castle though, he figured that he hadn't been discovered. Akihito was marching around the castle with with and Tsukishima Bokuto ran up to him. "My prince! Someone was been spotted in the garden!" He spoke and Akihito turned pale and ran down the hall. Bokuto stayed with both you and Tsukishima.
"Perhaps Princess, we should take you back to the hall." Tsukishima spoke and lead you down the hall. He looked back at Bokuto who grinned so that he knew this was part of a new plan they formed. He just hoped that they didn't fuck it up.

Oikawa entered the castle went it started to get dark. He was there with his parents too. He hasn't gotten to see you in ages now, thank to Akihito. He didn't even get to go to the wedding. He only wanted to go to lift your spirits a bit. Luckily, he was by himself when he came across you and Tsukishima. His face brightened but it immediately faded when he saw your upset face. He paused in his tracks and felt so bad that he hadn't been able to talk to you until now. He shook his head and plastered a smile on his face before walking over. "Hey (Y/n)." He grinned. He felt so happy when your eyes lit up upon seeing him. Before either of you could say anything else to each other, the devil himself appeared. Akihito glared at Oikawa as he stood by you. He put his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You growled and tried to break free of him. Every since you found out about Iwa, you had been much more reluctant to have him have his way. It pissed him off a lot. He gripped you tightly and kept you in place. Oikawa glared at Akihito who put on a fake smile. 
"Oikawa correct? How are you?" He asked. Oikawa saw how uncomfortable you were and stepped forward. Akihito was taken aback when he grabbed you and pulled you out of his grasp. Akihito went red with anger and gritted his teeth. 

"How dare you touch my wife." He attempted to snatch you back but Oikawa stood in front of you. 
"She clearly doesn't want you touching her. As her loyal subject and her friend I can't let you carry on."
"Tooru don't." You whispered since, the last time something like this happened, Yamaguchi and Yachi ran for their lives along with Tanaka. Akihito balled his fists. Suddenly, he took a deep breath and looked past both of you. You turned to see on of his guards there. 
"Please escort Oikawa here out of the castle." 
"What?" You and Oikawa spoke at once and the two guards grabbed one of Oikawa's arms each before taking him away.
"Tooru!" You spoke and went to follow him out when Akihito grabbed your arm.
"He'll be fine." He turned and walked away. "I'm in a good mood today." You raised an eyebrow and Tsukishima looked down at you. 
"I think it's best we leave it for now princess." You nodded and walked off with him.

Oikawa was thrown out and he scoffed at their manners. He marched over to where his carriage was meant to be. As he was, he was Akashi walking around. He was a bit confused since he expected him to be held up in his work room or in the hall. He followed after him but once he turned the corner he lost him. He wondered if he was just seeing things when someone grabbed his arm. He jumped and turned to see Bokuto there. "Bokuto what are you-" He never finished since Bokuto dragged him away. "What's with people not letting me tal-"
"Fine..." Oikawa sighed when he was dragged into the storage room. The door closed behind him and he looked up and gasp.
"Iwa?" His jaw was dropped open at the sight of his old friend. Iwa smiled and jumped off the crate he was on before hugging him. Oikawa was lost for words and chuckled. "What are you doing here? How'd you get here?" He asked.
"We snuck him in." Kuroo spoke as he came through a passage. Oikawa looked at him confused and looked at Akashi and Bokuto who were there.
"Wait there are passages?" They all nodded and he put a hand over his chest. "And you didn't tell me." Iwa would usually slap him but he hadn't seen him in so long he decided to just enjoy the stupidity. Oikawa asked what the hell was going on and they decided to explain to him the plan. Oikawa was shocked at the truth and promised to help any way he could.

You were in the hall with Akihito. He was making horrible conversation and jokes with some of the nobleman. You could tell straight off that they were only laughing to protect their lives. This celebrations was nothing like the ones that you and your dad held before. You were so sick of this already when a song started playing. Akihito took your hand and gripped it tightly. You flinched a bit at the strength. He pulled you into a dance and you looked down the entire time. Everyone was feeling too uncomfortable and your dad noticed. Junichi smirked and nudged him. "Perhaps deliver a speech to lighten their mood." Your dad felt saddened when he saw everyone in the hall. He stood up and cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him. He smiled painfully before looking down at you. Akihito had his arm around your waist. He took a deep breath. "My people-"
"STOP!" You all jumped when the door swung open and you saw who was stood there. Your eyes lit up with joy and you slipped out of Akihito's grip.

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now