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They arrived at the blacksmiths and ordered a sword for Iwa and Oikawa payed. "Make sure it's of the best quality or I SWEAR TO GOD-"
"SHUT UP!" Iwa yelled and kicked him. "Come on." Ukai, Shimizu and Iwa mumbled and dragged Oikawa off. "WOULD YOU STOP STARING AT ME!!" Oikawa yelled and Ushijima just gave a blank stare. "You should have come to Shiratorizawa."
I'm sorry I had to put it in. It makes no sense but it's a must.
"SHUT UP!" Iwa, Shimizu and Ukai yelled before walked out. Tendo just stood there laughing in the back.

Ukai and Shimizu walked back to their own homes while Iwa went over to Oikawa's. They got out of the carriage and walked towards the door when another carriage pulled up with a shaved head driver at the front. He glared at Oikawa. "Hey pretty boy."
"Tanaka behave!" You sighed and jumped out of the carriage. You saw Iwaizumi and smiled. "I didn't think I'd see you here Iwaizumi-san."
"Feelings mutual." He bowed as you made your way towards them. He tried to hide his blush and Oikawa grinned at you. "Good afternoon my fair princess. It's an honour to be in your lovely presents." He gently grabbed you hand and kissed it.

Iwaizumi looked at him annoyed but fortunately for him Tanaka got up and growled at him. "BOW TO THE PRINCESS PRETTY BOY! DON'T-"
"That's enough." You pulled your hand away and Oikawa stared at you. "Why are you here?"
"I just need to talk to your parents about a few things."
"They're not here at the moment. I can pass on the message, but first, do come in." You followed him in and Iwa, Yamaguchi and Yachi trailed behind.

He lead you to a room and Yachi and Yamaguchi stayed outside the door. You, Iwa and Oikawa were all in one room as you gave your message when Oikawa felt the urge to use the bathroom. He got up and left and as soon as the door shut you got up from your seat and went over to Iwa. He stood up and grinned as you came in for a hug. "You look beautiful as always (y/n)." You smiled and looked up at him. "Thanks- how did you get that cut?" You asked and brushed your thumb over the gash on his cheek. "I slipped and cut it on a rock." He tried desperately not to hide his hands since you knew he did that when he lied.

You raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. "Trust me."
"Ok then." You looked at him confused and he sighed. "What?"
"You have a lot more muscle. What have you been doing?"
"Nothing really. It just sort of happened." He lied and you kissed his cheek. He cupped your own cheek and came in for a kiss. You both just stood there and enjoyed the little time you had alone. "AHHH!" You both jumped and stared at the door. "Oikawa!" He just stood there staring and Iwa quickly grabbed him and pulled him in before locking the door. He cover his mouth and stared at him. "Shut up."

It took a while for him to calm down and after that Iwa uncovered his mouth.
"...huh?" That's all he could say. You sighed and approached him carefully. "Oikawa, calm down." You instructed and took his hands. He took a deep breath and stared at both of you. "I'm not seeing things, right?" You both shook your heads slowly.
"Oikawa you can't tell anyone or anything!" Iwaizumi said firmly. "How long? Who knows?!" He whispered in a shouting like voice.

You thought for a moment. "About...a year and a half now. Only Yamaguchi, Yachi, Tanaka and Tsukishima know." He gave you a blank stare. "You told that blonde string bean and you didn't tell me."
"He's my adviser!"
"...again, you told that blonde string bean and you didn't tell me." You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose. "I didn't tell you because you can never stay quiet. You love gossip."
"Yeah but this is serious." You both look confused at the serious face he gave you. "Iwa-chan you're my best friend and (y/n) you're like a sister to me! I won't tell anyone. However," he paused just thinking everything over. "You will have to inform your father of this soon. He won't be happy but telling him at the wrong time or him finding out himself is worse."
"Tsukishima said the same thing."
"WHO CARES WHAT HE SAID! I support this but you can't hide it forever."

You nodded in understanding and that's when you heard the front door open. You all made your way to the stairs and found Oikawa's parents there. They saw you and apologised for not being present when you came over. You went off to talk to them in another room, leaving Iwa and Oikawa in the hallway.

"This explains why you want to enter the tourney again." Oikawa sighed as all the pieces came together. "It's for her, isn't it." Iwaizumi just stared at his friend for a while and sighed. "Yeah."
"What exactly are you going to wish for once you win?" Oikawa asked, even though the answer was clear.

"I'm going to ask-"

Let's leave it there~
Let's be fair it's pretty obvious

Iwaizumi x Reader Royal AU ~ Beyond the Castle Gates Where stories live. Discover now