Hurry up!

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Red had climbed up Mt Sliver, he went up there so that he could focus on training so that he would never lose again... Never lose to anyone... But one.

Green- where the heck is he?! His going to be late for school if he doesn't get off that damn mountain right now!

Gold- I'm sure his left by now his probably just... Um... G-going home to get his uniform.

Lyra- yeah! His perfect record for being on time is to important for him to be late.

Green- well if his not here by 7:30am I'm going after him!

Gold- that's in 15mins!

Lyra- Green come on we can wait a bit longer than that to see him he might've though school starts tomorrow!

"Or his just not coming" said a calm red hair happily reading his book in the corner of the classroom. It went silent as they waited for someone to speak.

Green- That's it I'm not waiting for that bastard any longer!

Green marched over to the door, his hand on the wood about to slide it open as he turned to say "I'm going up Mt Sliver and bring his arse back down here!"

Gold- you were named after a big pile of snow?

Sliver- no you idiot!

"That's... n-not the point *pant* guys h-help me st-op him!" Lyra said tugging on the much larger, heavier green. Gold and sliver (not really sliver) over to try and Stop him from leaving.

Green- let go brats!!

Meanwhile at the edge of pallet town in reds house he was unpacking and getting reading to leave, he once nicely fitting uniform was now lose and baggy his mother urged him to eat before he left but he didn't want to ruin his on time score so he left.

This Boy (Red x Green)Where stories live. Discover now