Toilet troubles

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"holy shit, holy shit! HOLY SHIT!" I thought as my beautiful childhood friend was now sitting in a compromising position on top of my waist. I covered my face trying not to think anything dirty so he didn't get an unwanted poke. "Green?!" I jumped outta my skin hearing him say my name like that "oh god, please don't have a boner".

Green- Y-Yeah?

Red- I called your name 3 times, you ok?

Green- Yep f-fine, it's j-just your s-squishing me a bit, c-could you hop off?

Red- yeah

Red slowing moved his weight off my manhood and to his knees. A small sigh of relief escaped my mouth as he stood up.  I got up and started to head for the door "d-don't take what I said personally I was just, tired... Red?" When there was no answer I went to leave and felt his body against me again. "Green~" his word tickled my neck sending a shiver down my spine. "W-What is it?" I said in a shaky voice, "mmm~ warm" he said hugging me from behind "w-what are you doing?!" I said as my cheek grew brighter than the sun.

Green- R-Red?

Red- ....

Green- red?

Red dropped to floor behind me "O-Oi are you ok??" There was no answer, I shook his arm to try and wake him up, I called his name again there was still no response, I pulled him to his feet and chucked his arms over my shoulders and pushed the door open with my foot, I ran as fast as I could to the nurses office.

Green- nurse! I need some help here!

Nurse- hold ya horses kid I'm coming!

While the nurse busy I went over to a spare bed and lowered the sleeping beauty onto it. "So what happened to your lil friend here?" The nurse said as she examined red laying on the bed.

Green- we were in the toilet and he just collapsed behind me

Nurse- that's a bit indecent to be doin at school don'cha got some place private to do that?

Green- W-What?!

Nurse- haha I'm just teasing kid, so it looks like ya friend is going to be fine he didn't hit his head or anything, his just a bit sick and his over tired all he needs right now is sleep and some soup or somethin.

Green- O-Okay thanks

Hey guys it me Ezra I hope you are enjoying the story so far but I wouldn't be updating as fast as I am soon because I'm going back to school so please be patient.

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