The red flower

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I woke up from a bad dream to wake up to one. I opened my feeling something was wrong reds body was cold I jumped up in panic looking down on his face "r-red" his face was pale, he had dark bags under his eyes and he was breathing or moving. "O-Oi red" I called to him pushing his arm trying to get a response, "r-red! This isn't funny!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face "RED!!" I waled gripping onto him.

Green - Red! Please wake up!?

Doctor - what going on?!

Green - please help! His not breathing!!

Doctor - I need some help in! Get him out of here!

Green - n-no! I can't just leave him!

Doctor - just let us handle this!

The doctor came out of the room with a sorrowful look on his face "I'm sorry... There was nothing we could do... His heart stopped and we just couldn't get it started again... His... Gone" he said bowing his head.

It look as if the boy hadn't figure out what I said SK I tried again "I'm sorry your friend is... Dead" the boys eyes widened as tears streamed down his checks his facial expression didn't change and he made no noise and dropped to his knees clenching his heart. The boy in that bed wasn't the only one to die today...

It had been 10 minutes since I got a phone call explaining what had happened, because red father died when he was little and his mother died when she was coming back to from he trip I was called. I shouldn't have left the boys on there own. When I made it to the hospital I saw green just standing there, his face was blank and his eyes were lifeless I knew then that red had died...

I went over to my grandson trying stop the tears from forming in my eyes, " his dead" he sad cold brushing past me.

It had been 2 days since red had passed away and green had not eaten or slept since then he still wasn't showing any emotion despite my effort I couldn't get him to let it out. There had been warnings all over the news about sightings of Paul, be careful Paul is walking around after murdering a teenage boy in his home. I tried to hide it from him but it was everywhere. But at least green was attending school, his teacher said he was writing a lot in his note book which was good but she also said he had been ask everyone in the class if they had seen Paul or heard of anyone that had seen him...

Green left the house holding a metal baseball bat telling the professor he had soft ball practice, he greated his friends, sat down for class like nothing was wrong and nothing had happened... The bell rung and the over head speaker said " please exit the school in an orderly fashion, please do not push or shove this is not a drill, evacuate their is an intruder in the school ground make sure to steer clear of classes A to E".
"Come on green we gotta go!" Misty called out as green dashed past them all with his bat down the hall. Green heard screams from down the hall, he ran towards them, some kids were under a table crying.
Green - are you ok?

Kids - y-yes

Green - where is he?

Kids point to a class room*
The table and chair broken and scattered paper was everywhere and there he was... Paul... The giant stood unaware of greens present with his back turned green took the chance without hesitation he ran up behind him bashing him as hard as he could in the head... The giant dropped and the kids ran off in terror. Green kicked him in the side, seeing no reaction from the giant, he put his bat down and turned the beast over, quickly picking the bat back up "I shouldn't take any chances" he said lifting the bat above his head, Paul opened his eyes grabbing the bat and flung green to a near by wall, green jumped back up ran at the dazed giant ripping the bat from his hand and bashed him over and over in the stomach, ribs, arms and back. The giant started to fall with blood pouring from his mouth, he collapsed in a pool of his own blood but green didn't stop, he hit him over and over and over, the room was being painted in Paul's blood. When green was to tired to lift the bat anymore he kicked him a few times then " who gave you the right!! Pant* pant* who gave you permission to take him away from me!! Pant* pant* who said you could even touch him!! Pant* hic* why did you take him from hic* sniff* me! He didn't do anything to you! He didn't do anything to anyone! Gasp* he beautiful! And he was mine!" He said unable to stand he dropped to the floor wanting nothing but to join he beloved red. He stood slowly throwing the bat at Paul "here's parting gift you piece of shit" he said glaring at the corpse on the floor before running out of the room down the hall, as he ran he ripped the shirt from his body flinging his shoes off and into the locker room, turning the shower on scrubbing the blood off his body, shaking himself dry and putting on someone's cloths he found in a locker. He found the nearest window, jumped and ran into the forest behind the school where red and him had first kissed as children.

He found a nice spot by the river listening to the sounds of the forest,
Hey red...
I miss you, to much...
I want to be with you...
Tears flowed from his eyes feeding the flowers he was resting on and there he stayed he died not from his injury's but from losing the one he loved most. his body was found year later under a tree with bright green leaves and beautiful red flowers.

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