the start

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Iyanna POV

My ears are popping like hell I hate plane rides. I’ve been up for the past hour just looking at this guy I know nothing about. For all I know he can be a serial killer. Cutting my concentration off of him I looked outside the window to see the tropical blue water. After a while I cuddled up my legs close to my chest.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” he asked.

I just ignored.

About 30 mins of an awkward silence the pilot said we would be landing. I took a quick glimpse at him and he was looking at me but I could tell he was thinking hard.

Di’ante POV

See what I mean yo, I try to be nice and she just gone ignore me like that. See this why I don’t date rich girls think they better then everyone else. Wait the fuck in talking bout I’m married to the girl. this some bull, this little family issue they have going needs to end so I can get on with my life.

Without saying a word to each other we both exited the plane, to see my sexy red lambo.

Narrator POV

Ant and Iyanna drove in silence to the little two-bedroom villa. It was hidden ten miles away from the main road. Since knew every safe house and villa by heart he showed he around. She really didn’t say much just either a simple nod or ok. After he showed her, her room ant went to smoke. With no one to talk too iyanna go bored very quickly. So she decided to take a run changing into her tight track shorts, sports bra and free runs.

Iyanna POV

I got mad bored so I went for a four mile run. Running on sand is way harder then the people on tv make it seem. When I got back to the villa show me by kid ink was playing walking in the smell of weed hit me hard. God I hate the smell the oys smoke all the time and that shit urks me. Walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I found ant with no shirt making burgers and fries. God his body is so on point plus he tatted up.

 I have a couple tats here and there but the only person who knows about them is Ayden. Sneaking out of the kitchen so he wouldn’t know I was there, I ran upstairs to my room to shower cause lawd knows what I smell like. Taking my thirty minute shower I finally got out I put lotion on then decided to put on a yellow sundress something close to the one Keisha Cole had on in the heaven sent video. Since I was hungry as hell I went downstairs to you know help ant fuck them burgers up. Walking into the kitchen saw everything was cleaned up and ant at the table stuffing his face. Oh hell no.

“So you not going to share?” I said snatching a burger off his plate.


I know damn well she aint just snatch a burger off my plate like a nigga aint hungry.

“You know I was going to offer yo’ol spoil ass some but since you want to take what’s not yours the answer to your question is nope.” I said snatching my burger back and biting into it before she came back for it.

“Ugh your such an asshole.” She said going outside.

Shrugging my shoulders, I continued to eat. I know yah like why you do that but if her smart ass would of just looked on the stove she would of saw that her food was right there. After I finished eating I went upstairs to take a shower. Throwing on some polo shorts with a tank over my shoulder. I went to check if Iyanna came back inside, which her spoil ass didn’t. Grabbing the burgers off of the counter, I headed outside to where she was sitting on one of the beach chairs.

“ Umm… here… I know your hungry…” I said placing the food in front of her. I mean I aint know what to say. Got a nigga soft with her cute ass.

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