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As Ant rubbed my back he wiped away the tears from my eyes.
"Baby what's wrong ?"
"Iyanna ? You not gunna tell me?"
After a couple minutes I finally decided to speak.
"I have good and bad news ."
"Baby im a ..."
"Your a what babe?"
"I'm pregnant!"
"Are you serious?thats great my baby having my baby"
"Yes ant I am but the bad news is that."
"Ant my cancer is back and The doc said it may be a fifty fifty chance the baby will live and I will die or I will live and it will die."
"Damn! Baby this can't be happening you having my baby and you might not be here to raise him or her."
I broke down when I saw the tears come down his eyes. I never thought I would see a thug cry. But this is different can you ever imagine the only person you loved For real can be taken away so quickly. When you finally find happiness.
Ant pov

Damn man this can't be happening I just finally got her in my life after all these years of protecting her j can't protect her from this this is something I have to pray for and hope the man above is listening and will guid my babies throw it I don't know what I will do if I loose her she is the best thing that ever happened to me. what will my child do with out his or her mother if I have a little girl I can't teach her what her mom can all I can do is provide and protect her from guys like me. And there is not love like a mothers love for her child.
After she cried her self to sleep I got dressed and headed to the one person I know that can give me the best advise.
Kim pov
Sitting in my bed looking at my babies pictures I can't believe my baby is gone it's been almost two months and Jon doesn't talk to us still all he does is come In late. Next week I have to start the boys training even little Danny even though he isn't mine I love that little boy with my heart.
In my thoughts I didn't noticed this jack ass come in. he ain't never gunna change. laying next to me on the bed not a word was exchanged turning his back towards me I heard him typing away on his phone. probably one of them bitches he got in other states. getting out of the bed I changed into sweat pants and a t- shirt grabbed the keys to the s class and head out.
Grabbing me by the waist I was pulled back into strong arms.
"Where you going?"
"Well boo I have kids to take care of just like you do. get dressed you have to drop the little one to school."
"Well she leaves at 810 and its 700 so how bout me. And . You. Chill for a little."

He said kissing my neck which caused me to moan.
"I would love to boo but I have something to take care of."
Slipping out his grip I made my way to the door.
Mr. Wright 😜"such a party pooper!"

Me " shut up I'll be back tonight 😉."b

Mr wright. "Mmmhmm better 😘.

I know yah like I'm wrong but I don't care I'm tired of being treated the way I'm treated I need fun too and if that's with another man then so be it. karma is a bitch ain't it.
After coming home I showered and put on a all white Chanel suit with red heals grabbing my gun purse and key I put Danny in the car and headed to his day care. after dropping him off I received a text with a Adress the person said that they know who is after my family and wants to show me something.
After driving at least a hour away I pulled up to a apartment building. Getting out of the car I pressed the number key to let the person know I'm here. taking my gun off safety I put it in my inside jacket pocket. all of a sudden I felt something very hard hit my head Turing around a see two females with mask on trying to move I was numb soon I felt darkness take over as they put a towel over my nose.
It's been a while forgive me been so caught up tell me what you think of the chapter it's kind of rusty I know I haven't written in forever so give me feed back please! Comment vote share.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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