do you trust me

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Ayden POV

“Dad about to get his shit rocked by mom. He pulled some grimy shit I won’t be surprised if she don’t leave his stupid ass.” I said to Jon and Lou as I handed Danny the xbox remote.

“Furreal doe. Pop foul as hell like how he just gone and go play mom like that. She need to leave his ass and find a better man shit they already fight like they hate each other.” Jon said

“Nigga shut up she aint going no where we all know dad be putting it down.” I said

“Nigga eww stop that’s just fucking nasty.” Lou.

“ha oh shit I forgot you walked in on them one time.” I said busting out laughing.

“Na but forreal what if she do leave?” jon asked.

“Nigga she no going no where but uncle jay and trina house. “


Slap! Punch!

“What made you think that was okay? Huh? We already have enough family issues with that hoe you was messing with a while back and now you go and pull this shit, talking bout you was doing a favor.” He moved closer trying to touch me “Don’t touch me!” “Nigga you wrong for that, that was not a favor what you did was, take up another responsibility to another woman who is now not here to take care of a child. You know randy, I really believe that your common sense is not there. I cant even stand to look at you right now.” I yelled as I packed a bag to spend the night at jay’s and trina’s house.

“You know what Kim your such a pussy”

“I have one you fuck ass nigga!” I said pushing past him.

“ Your always running to jay and trina’s house like they going to help the situation. This is a problem me and you have to work out you make it so damn hard for me to keep it real with you always cussing and shit you always want something your way. Well guess what this is not a fucking book or fantasy this is real life and I admit I fucked up but you act like you aint never did wrong either. You don’t think I know you was fucking that nigga Carter.” He said punching the wall.

As he said all of that tears where flowing hard I cant believe he really think carter and I had sex I mean everything he said really hurt but that one right there was foul. If you guys remember Carter was the guy I met in Jamaica when iyanna and ayden was younger. Carter and I are nothing but friends, best friends other from trina and I.  He realized what he said and tried to apologize.

“Save it! I don’t want to hear it! If that how you think I get down Randy then go head and think. You know damn well I would never cheat of you because I would never do you dirty like you do me all the time.  You know I should give you a piece of your own medicine and go and fuck him.” I said walking toward the steps.

He grabbed me back into him making me hit my head into his hard chest.

“Where you going? Be an adult and solve your problem!” he said with gritted teeth in my ear.

“I am fixing my problem” I said punching him hard and leaving out my front door.

Danny  POV

My new mommy and daddy are fighting and I’m scared.

Iyanna POV

Ant and I have been here for about a week now and even though I don’t like him like that. I kind of trust him only because he already knows so much about me. Today was kind of wack after our breakfast. He had to handle some business so I was told. He left around ten this morning and its now nine. Laying on my bed Ant bust open the door stuffing things in my suitcase.

“What the fuck are you doing bruh?”

ignores me.


“Do you trust me Iyanna?”


“Ok listen theres is some business I have to take care of and you can not stay here.”


“Becu- look I don’t have time to explain. I just don’t want you here when shit goes down.”

“What shit? What’s going on Di’ante?”

“Iyanna we don’t have much time you have to go.”

“Wait what about you?” your scaring me D!”

“Look I will tell you everything when I get there ok.”


with out answering he brought me to a truck with two buff guys in the front and on in the back. I looked D in the eyes and the last thing I expected happened he kissed me not rough but in a passionate way. Shoving a piece of paper in my hand he told me not to open it until I see him again. He said it with so much sadness.

“Boss we have a big big big problem. Look.” One of the guys said to ant.

“SHIT GET HER OUT OF HERE. NO STOPPING!” he yelled taking out his gun.

With out another word the truck took off, as bullets started flying.

“What the fuck is going on! We cant leave him there! Go back!”

“Ma imma need you to chill out. He good! He know how to handle himself.

“Ok but what if he’s not.”

Narrator POV

After the argument the two men had with Iyanna about not going back for ant. They finally got her on the plane. Di’ante was in a major gun war. Shooting everyone and everything in his way he didn’t notice that he had gotten shot right below his waist.

“Shit !”

Since the house was shot up and so was everyone else. Pulling the dead bodies out of the vehicle he drove to the only person he knew would take him in.

Knocking on the door an elderly woman came to the door and her eyes began to water as she looked at the little boy she once raised turn into a grown man.


“Hey Gram!”

Kept Secrets: RevealedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora