Birthday bash

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In order to under stand this book you HAVE to read kept Secrets. You can follow me and go on my profile and get it but you have to read that book to understand this one.

Iyanna POV

Tonight is the big birthday bash for my mom and I am no were near dressed because I am helping my useless brothers with their ties and stuff. Ok maybe not Ayden but the other two lou and jon are the two most useless guys I have ever seen on the planet I literally had to pick out there suits for the party and now dad is telling us that limo is here and I'm not even dressed.

"Daddy I'm not dressed yet!" I yelled pulling m hair out of the pin curls I set earlier.

"You have ten minutes to get down here Iyanna we have to go!"

"Ok damn not my fault your sons are useless!"



Taking my dress out of the bag I quickly managed to put it on without ripping it. I looked in the mirror and I was looking good. If I was a guy I would marry me. The dress was a cream color it was long the front was cut into a long v that showed my chest down to my bellybutton but none of my boos its not like I have any to begin with. Well maybe a little I'm like B cup. I mean that's not bad right. I turned to the back of the dress and it was horror show pantie lines everywhere. Which is a big no, no I wiggled out of my panties and found a thin thong that did not show any lines.

God I hate thongs like who came with this shit to have a small piece of fabric stuck in between your ass. Panties are supposes to be comfortable. Smoothing out the dress and putting on my shoes, grab my clutch, phone and applied my lip gloss on the way down stairs.

"About damn time!" Ayden said holding the door open for me.

"Shut up!" I said punching him in the arm as I passed him.

"I see how it is!"

Our ride to New York was so long and boring its like everyone was in deep thought even lou and he is the funny one out of all of us. We pulled up to Explicit, which was aunt Angela's club. Don't ask me why she named it that because I had the same reaction you did. Sounds like a sex club right! But its not well maybe just a little she does have a VIP area where you can get a lap dance.

We all stepped out of the limo and paparazzi snapping left to right, right to left. I hate those nosey fucks I cant go anywhere with out them knowing where I am. I mean this is the price I pay for having a CEO for a mother and professional football players for a dad and uncle.

Ayden and I walked side and side standing back a bit as mom dad and the conceited useless set of twin 13-year-old boys take pictures. Ayden and I never really liked the spotlight.

"Iyanna GO!" Ayden said snapping me out of my daze.

"Alright damn!" Punk chill!" I said entering the club.

Stepping into the club I was in complete awe. Everything was white but the clubs lights made it look beautiful with the different colors fading into the back round. The place was packed to the brim with family friends celebs which half of them I didn't even know. Greeting everyone and went to the bar with my little cousin Keisha. She is 14 and is one of the most prettiest Black and Spanish girls I know. She stands around 5'5 with big brown eyes and caramel complexion. We chatted at the bar for a little then Jonathan texted me to remind the dj about the performance in a couple minutes.

I told and gave the dj which track the song was on. Since I had five minutes to announce the boys. Why not go to the bathroom and freshen up. Cant be looking tacky in front of god knows how many people. The bathroom was so clean usually they smell like shit. While I was fixing my make up a tall thick chocolate woman came out from one of the stalls. She was pretty maybe in her late thirties. Her hair was cute but I can tell it wasn't hers just the way it looked her real hair was kind of rough looking and the rest the texture was to smooth. She had on a white Versace dress I could tell by the material and some red, red bottoms.

"Your kims daughter right?" she asked as she washed her hands. I could tell she was trying to brake the silence with a little chuckle at the end.

"yeah." I replied applying my lipgloss.

"Oh ok. Well ill be going back to the party." she said walking out of the bathroom.

I finished applying my gloss washed my hands and stepped out the bathroom only to bump into a tall medium built figure. Mm he smells like Gucci.

"Oh. I am so sorry I didn't see you." I apologized looking down be cause I was embarrassed.

" You good ma!" he said lifting my chin up so I could look him in eye.

Im not going to lie when he touched me I felt a little spark fly. He was fine as hell light skin looked like kirko a little but better. Now that's how you know he is fine as hell. His eyes hazel hair cut low with weaves smile was cute and he was dressed in a Armani suit.

I smiled at him and he smiled back as I walked away to announce the boys. I stepped on the stage with the mic to catch everyone's attention.

"Excuse me!" can I please have everyone's attention! I said calming everyone down from the vibes of the music.

"Mom can you please take a seat in the chair right their." I said pointing to the only chair in the middle of the dance floor.

"Iyanna what are you doing?" she asked.

"Shh! You will see."

"Ok. I wanted to thank you all for coming to this wonder full event we threw for this beautiful woman I call mom." everyone clapped and chanted." Mom you know that we get on your nerves when I say we I mean my brothers and I." everyone laughs. "But we just wanted you to know that we appreciate you for everything you have doe for us and the boys thought why not surprise you with this." I said moving out of the way as the track to ' A song for mama' by boyz II Men played.

"You taught me everything

And everything you've given me

I always keep it inside

You're the driving force in my life'

Yeah (Ayden)

There isn't anything

Or anyone that I can be

And it just wouldn't feel right

If I didn't have you by my side

You were there for me to love and care for me

When skies were grey

Whenever I was down (lou)

You were always there to comfort me

And no one else can be what you have been to me

You will always be

You will always be the girl in my life

For all times ( Jon)


Mama, mama, you know I love you

Oh you know I love you

Mama, mama, you're the queen of my heart

Your love is like tears from the stars

Mama, I just want you to know

Lovin' you is like food to my soul (All)

Ayden Jonathan and Loucus looked so cute and adorable they where all dressed in black and white suits with a red rose in the jacket they finished there performance mom had tears in her eyes as they gave her the three roses. When the track stopped she hugged them.


was all I heard as someone dragged my arm

Kept Secrets: RevealedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora