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Thank you @mashalar2 and @NoelleSkupeen for helping me get my book back. This chap is for you.

Narrator POV

The plane ride was long and stressful for both iyanna and ant. In the middle of the flight iyanna stated to develop night sweat, and vomiting with a high fever. They both just thought that it was due to all the drinking she was doing earlier.  When they made it to Shangri-La hotel, Paris. Iyanna was knocked out cold so Ant carried her to the suite, laying both of their bodies on the bed Ant was to tired to make it into the other room so he laid next to her letting sleep take over.


I woke with my arms being wrapped around her waist, I took a minute to get a good look at her and she really is a beauty. Her hair that was straight and is now straight, I observed her body and she is really tiny not my liking but I guess we will work on that part. Unwrapping my arms from around her. I took a look at the clock and it was two in the afternoon, getting up I took a quick shower and ordered some food for the both of us. Going out to the balcony I took a look outside.

“So this is what Paris looks like.” I said to myself smirking as a pair of small arms wrapped around my body.

Loucous and Jonathan POVS

Loucous: damn yo pops is putting it down.

Jon: my nigga they been at it since ive gotten home probably even before that.

Lou: werd ew! Yo ion want to stay here lets go to kiki party he said to come through and mad thots and bitches going to be there.

Jon: ii we out.

Lou: wait where Danny?

Jon :oh he at aunty Ariel.

Leaving they parents a note jon and lou made there way to the party. When they entered the house it was live girls grinding and twirking left and right, dapping kiki and the rest of the crew. Lou went to go dance and jon stayed around the crew talking shit.

Lala was a girl lou had his eyes on for a minute but she was taken so he pulled back. In the middle of watching the girls twerk  lala came out of no where and started moving on him. He was loving the feeling of her on him and grabbed her hips. In the middle of them dancing lala’s boyfriend Tre came in looking for her and when he saw lala and lou dancing he instantly got heated that another nigga was touching his girl. Walking up to them he grabbed lala from lou’s grip.

La: Tre what the fuck! Get off of me you lost the right to touch me! She shouted making every one direct the attention to them.

Tre: shut up lets go!

La: nah nigga you trippin get the fuck off me! she said spitting in his face.

Tre slapped her. Making her stumble back. She held her cheek with tears now sliding down her face.

Lou: Yo TRE! Lou yelled

Tre turned around and lou punched him dead in the face

Lou: yah momma aint teach you not to put hands on a female! He said giving him left and right.

Kiki jon and the crew tried pulled lou off of him lead him toward the kitchen, but before they got there he felt a burning feeling go into his spin. Falling forward he was now numb from his neck down only hearing people screaming and crying.

Jon: Lou stay with me bro you cant die. He cried calling the paramedics.

Lou was now blacking out a tear came from his eyes as he closed them.

Jayciel POV (uncle)

I was rubbing trina’s belly she was now eieght months and we began discussing the baby shower, when my phone started ringing. I saw it was Lou.


“Jon… are you serious you called kim”

“calm down.. we coming!”

Hanging up the phone I jumped put of the bed finding my sweat pants and slides as tears began to slip down my face.

“Baby what happen” Trina said jumping out of the bed.

“J-Jon said Lou just got shot they are at the hospital!”

moving out of the house quickly we sped to the hospital and trina tried calling kim but she wasn’t answering.

God damn it kim! I said hitting the steering wheelie.


Im going to kill that nigga on some real shit you a pussy nigga if you shoot somebody in the back like what type of shit is that. He better hope my bro make it because I swear on his grave god forbid I’m killing him, his family and that bitch Lala. Stank bitch.

Narrator POV

Kim and randy where sleep when they hear a loud out birtst from ayden who but threw there door.

“ mom dad we… wee. Have. To. Hospital lou. Shot COME ON! He yelled.

As they jumped out the bed.

Kim cried all the way to the hospital ass eh saw how many calls she got from trina jon and jay.

Rushing into the emergency room she gave jon a tight hug as tears slipped from their eyes.

Kept Secrets: RevealedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora