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It's been a month since lou's death and I still can't sleep at night. I haven't been to school in almost two months. My mom had the teachers send me my work which I so happen to do so I can get my head in the game and make something out I myself. I stopped talking to everyone for a while. Keisha was the really only one I can talk to she has been by my side since day one. we even cried together last week on the memories that we had as kids.

Man I miss my brother. Honestly I would of been the one to drop out of high school last time I checked my GPA it was less then a 2.1 but now I see how real life is I have to make a living my parents didnt have to put me in one of the best privet high school in the state. they could of simply sent my ass to public school but I wasn't getting what they were trying to do. I mean I have it good believe that fancy parties vacations to places I can't even pronounce and yet here I am being a dumb ass not trying to better my self to end up making more money then my parents.

Laying on my bed I was trying to do this essay for English about technology and how it's changing the future. blah blah.

Without knocking keke walks into his room making him look up from what he was doing.

"Damn fuck face you don't know how to knock on a door!" I said muggin.

"Fuck up nigga. I came I see how my A1 doing man been a month almost two without havin your funny ass in class."


"Right... anyways J I came I tell you some shit bruh."

"Ok and talk."

"Ii so I was talking to Raul and he told me he heard that they set that shit up..."

"Set what up?"

"The shooting... He said they was trying to get both of yah at the same time or some shit. He said he heard that thot crying in the bathroom telling Gia everything and how she ain't for that shit to happen and shit."

Getting mad I punched a hole in the wall. what the fuck man I never liked that hoe and now look she took my best friend away from me.

"Imma kill them on my brother imma kill them and they family!"

A lot of you may not now but my mom was a killer back in her teen days she likes to deny killing but Ayden told me everything how she would just shoot without thinking. he even told me in the basement she has a secret room where she keeps all of her guns. we all tried looking for it but it was no use she know how to hide shit.

" Look man I'm down Lou was my right hand man and he not here you know how long it took me to get the balls and come over here man."

"What we gone do ?"

"I have an ideas but we gone need more people."

Ayden POV

Sophia is now 5 months pregnant and we are having a little girl she wants to name her Melissa Maria Anderson but I like Aaliyah jhane Anderson.

Since the passing of my little brother I have move out of my parents house to a three bed room condo with Sophia on the upper east side. she dropped out of high school and got her GED and she wants to take classes to be a CNA which is a good idea because that opens also of doors in the medical field. I just hate the fact that I may have to leave her as soon as the baby is born for school down in Atlanta. I don't want to go but she said she will be fine and I anything Iyanna and my mom will help her out . speaking of my mom the woman is just not her self she doesn't really talk to anybody not even dad she just gets up take care of Danny drop him off at day care and head to work it's been two months and she had opened up two new lines one for plus sized woman who want to blend in with the rest if the world and a jewelry line.

Even when I told her Sophia was pregnant she just shook her head not even a word to us. But we all know what it is she just lost her son to a dummy. which is going to get his best believe that. what you guys don't know it's my mom has been training me behind dads back she showed me all of the ways to kill a person I know she was a killer but she didn't like to talk about it I don't even think dad knows. She said she was going to start training Jon as soon as he turned 14 which is next month and he's a quick lazy learner so I know he will catch on.

Iyanna POV

"OMG!Ant your so freakin nasty" I said fanning the air so my nostrils can get some oxygen.

"My momma always said to let it out and not keep it in."

"Well that shit stank I told you not to eat that left over Chines food."

"Oh well" he said farting while leaving the room.

"Your so disgusting. yah ass shitty as hell."

"Love you to boo!"

I can't stand him I swear he so disgusting. I mean yeah guys are nasty but he is just straight nasty he don't do shit but eat. ion know why I fell in love him. As I'm doing my make up to go see my mom at put office to talk bout my new collection a pair of arms wrap around my waist making me jump.

"Ant I hate when you do that!" I said Turing around slapping his chest.

Without saying a word he kisses me making a moan escape my lips.

"Be ready tonight by 7 we going out."

"Where we going?"

"Just be ready babe trust me."

"Mk" I said getting out of his grip heading for my clutch and keys.

"So ion get no kiss?"

"Nope." I said speed walking out the room through the front door.

Text message

HUSBAND 💋- imma remember that

Me- haha love you too

The meeting with my mom was so dead. Getting into my Maserati I made my way home to shower and get dressed for my date with my hubby.

Stepping out of the shower into the bed room I see the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. it was white with a bunch of little diamonds over it.

But on top of the dress was a note card that said

-your wish is my command. - love D

Biting my lip a think of what he could possibly be up too.


I apologize for the long wait senior year has taken a toll on me but now Im back to finish this book.

Tell me how you think the book is going so far

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💋❤️ Tania

Kept Secrets: RevealedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora