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Narrator POV

As they lowered lou's casket six feet. Iyanna cried into ants chest as he hugged her. Kim and randy cried together randy was trying to be strong for kim but he couldn't. Jon cryed hate tears not at loucous for leaving him in this cold world but for trey and his girl. he wish it was him instead of his brother who had so much ambition in life. Lou was star player on the football team he wanted to be a pro like his dad he had his life set. Unlike Jon who didn't know what he wanted to do the next day yet alone the future.


I held babygirl as she cried into my chest as they lowered Lou down. I feel so bad for her but more for Jon cause that was his A1. I really want to see the little punk who did this. I mean yeah I lost a lot of people and I killed a lot but when you take away someone that's really family your blood starts to boil. After throwing the flowers in the ground for our final good-bye. We all gathered at her parents house for something to eat. getting food Iyanna and I. I brought it to her room cause she wanted to be alone, placing the food next to her on the night stand. I noticed she changed from her clothes into a Hollister sweat suit just looking up at the Ceiling as tears strolled down her rosy cheeks. whipping the tears from her cheeks she made eye contact with me then went back to looking at the ceiling.

Man I hate seeing her like this for the past week all she did was cry no eating or talking just crying. Now that I look at her she is loosing a lot of weight and I need my baby to stay the way I met her. Climbing into the bed I just scooped her up into my lap just holding her. that's when she just lost it and broke down.

"Why him? ant huh? I don't get it. he had so much going for him you know he had a plan and now it won't be able to happen all because of some clown ass little boy and his Thor Thot ass looking girl friend." she said while looking me directly in the eye.

" Baby I don't know why him out of millions. But now he is your angel." I said kissing her forehead.

"Can we go home I don't want to be here anymore."

"Yeah let's go."

We said our good byes to the family. on the way home I got a text from my dad saying he needs me for a meeting at six. it's now a quarter to. I dropped yanna off and went on my way.

Iyanna POV

Ant said he had to meet his father for some business so I just went to our room and went to sleep.

Narrator POV

In the middle of her nap Iyanna started sweating and became fatigue.

Looking at the clock she noticed it was 1am and ant still had not come home. getting up she went to the bath room to take a bath. As she relaxed in the tub. Ant pulled into the drive way. walking into the house he was hopping Iyanna was sleep cause he was not in the mood to here her go on and on about where he been. Walking into the room he didn't see her in there bed so he assumed she was in the movie room. walking into the bathroom his eyes landed on his wife. stripping from his clothes he climbed into the tub with her. Her eyes shot open when she felt his arms around her. not saying a word to him she just looked her husband up and down admiring his body.

"Like what you see?" he said making her look him in the eye.

"Maybe." she said rubbing his chest with soap.

With a little chuckle he kissed her lips.

"You know I love you right."

"Yeah. I love you to ant." She said capturing his lips with her.

After they showered off. They cuddled in bed talking about random stuff until they both nodded off.


Ok chap it's going to get good in the next chap so don't worry. please comment and vote I need it. love you guys.

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