It's Alive!!!!

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Once the Zeta-Tube transported Damian to Star City, he kept to the shadows, knowing that anyone could be watching. It had puzzled Damian that Roy was currently living in an apartment close to where his old mentor was, especially when their relationship wasn't at its best. Of course Damian knew that Green Arrow was busy with Justice League business, but it was extremely odd for Roy to reside in this city. Once he finally reached Roy's apartment, he knew that he was going to get answers from Roy.

"Open up, Harper, I did not leave the warmth of my bed to freeze to death," Damian stated and waited for the door to open. 

Multiple crashes sounded from behind the door, which caused Damian to slightly flinch.  A couple curse words erupted from behind the door before the door was flung open by a very disheveled Roy Harper.  Damian was quickly yanked into the apartment by Roy and staggered a bit when Roy released his jacket.  Roy slammed the door shut and quickly locked it.

"Did anyone follow you?" Roy questioned, gripping onto Damian's arms.

"Do you think I would allow that?" Damian scoffed.

"Good," Roy said and started dragging Damian to another room in the apartment.

"What are you doing, Harper?" Damian asked, trying to get his wrist back.

Once Damian entered the room, he was speechless.  Photographs of the recent assassinations and the assassin were taped to walls, colored string connected the many gruesome photos.   Jason was pacing around the room, scuff covering his face.  His eyes were agitated and red, suggesting that he was either crying or has not slept in the last 36 hours. 

"Todd, what the hell?" Damian questioned, causing Jason to stop pacing and look at Damian.

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

"Getting some answers," Damian responded, "so what have you been up to?"

"Trying to find my sister, unlike you and everyone else," Jason growled.

Damian scoffed, "And what have you found?"

"She's alive, Damian," Jason said, pointing to to a blurred photo of the assassin, "and she's in some deep shit right now.  That rag doll act was only a cover so that they could retrieve her without us being in the way!  I've been working my ass off trying to find my sister while you were moping around the manor with your tail between your legs!"

"I was grieving her death!!" Damian shouted and lunged for Jason, but was held back by Roy.

"Everyone, calm down!" Roy ordered and placed Damian near the doorway, "If the two of you want her back, you have to work together, not fight each other!"

Jason sighed and rubbed his face, a faint scratching noice filled the empty silence.  Damian calmed down, knowing that you would frown upon him harming Jason.

"What is the plan, Todd?"

"We find (Y/N) and kill all of those son of a bitches," Jason responded.  "I won't stop until every last one is dead, especially the one in charge who took my sister away." 

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