I'll never let you go again

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"Are you sure this will work?" Damian asked while eyeing the device Roy handed him.

"I'm sure," Roy responded, "but there is a 12 percent probability that -"

"I dare you to finish that sentence," Jason stated.

Roy shut his mouth and nodded, knowing that Jason would eat his stash of pop tarts and other junk food. No matter how hard he tried, Jason would always find where he hid them. Damian ignored the two men and walked over to you. Kori was at your side, ready to act if anything went wrong. He pulled out your hand out from under the blanket and held it. He quickly placed the device firmly against your skin where a piece of the alien technology was.

"I hope this works," he muttered and sat down by your side.

Jason and Roy were standing by the door, making sure that if it didn't work you wouldn't be able to escape. Jason nodded to Roy, confirming that it was okay to shut off the collar.  Roy pressed the button on his wrist, deactivating the only device that could stop you at the moment. The lights on the collar dimmed, but the device Damian placed on your arm started glowing. Damian watched silently as the device did its work, hoping that it free you from their control. He watched as your muscles convulsed and twitched, causing worry to flood into Damian's mind.

"Is this supposed to happen?" Damian quickly asked Roy.

"I think so," Roy replied.

You gasped and opened your eyes, the bright light of the room blinding you for a few moments. You heard scurrying and muffled voices from the blurry figures that were in your vision.  Your lungs were burning, causing tears to form, and your vision was starting to blur.  Are they experimenting on you again?  They always enjoyed it when they operated on you when you were conscious, and took even more pleasure when you died again and again.  They always brought you back.  They always wanted you as their plaything, a human abomination used to become their most beautiful weapon. You were too weak to fight them, you always were. You suddenly felt something on and around your mouth. It now felt easier to breathe and your burning lungs were fading away. They never did this. They never rescued you from your fate.  You shakily lifted your hands and grasped what you guessed was some type of gas mask that surrounded your mouth.  You greedily took in the oxygen until your breathing was normal. The mask remained in your grip until someone removed it, knowing that you were able to breathe on your own.

"(Y/N)?" a familiar voice asked.

You turned your head to the side, slightly wincing from the pain in your neck, and came face to face to Damian.

"D-da-mi??" you asked and lifted your hand weakly.

He immediately grasped your hand, pulled it up to his face and nodded, "It's me."

"How?" you asked, tears starting to form in your eyes.  "I- they-"

"Won't harm you again," Jason butted in.

Damian let go of your hand and made room for Jason, who immediately pulled you into a hug.  You smiled and gripped onto his jacket.

"I missed you... so much," Jason mumbled.

"Missed you, too," you said.

Jason smiled and let go of you, "I'll go get you some clothes for you to change into."

Jason walked out of the room, which allowed Damian to envelop you in his arms, "I'll never let you go again."

You smiled and embraced his warmth, glad to be back in Damian's arms and finally safe from the torture and pain they caused you.

Damian Wayne x Reader- ResurrectedWhere stories live. Discover now